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Pacheco, G., (2019). Osteointegración [Trabajo académico, Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega].
Pacheco, G., Osteointegración [Trabajo académico]. : Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega; 2019.
title = "Osteointegración",
author = "Pacheco Merchán, Gustavo Andrés",
publisher = "Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega",
year = "2019"
Title: Osteointegración
Authors(s): Pacheco Merchán, Gustavo Andrés
Advisor(s): Pacheco Roller, Eduardo
Keywords: Osteointegración; Implantación dental; Proceso de osteointegración; Factores de riesgo; Rehabilitación protésica; Osseointegration; Dental implantation; Osseointegration process; Risk factors; Prosthetic rehabilitation
Issue Date: 21-Jun-2019
Institution: Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
Abstract: La presente monografía tiene como objetivo presentar una revisión bibliográfica de los aspectos teóricos de la osteointegración; es una investigación de tipo bibliográfico, la cual se basó en la búsqueda y recolección de artículos científicos relacionados con el tema. La osteointegración es la unión o fusión directa que se da entre el hueso y la superficie del material del implante, generando como resultado la resistencia y sirviendo, de esta manera, como una base para la futura rehabilitación protésica. La osteointegración es un proceso que pasa por varias fases o etapas después que se ha hecho la implantación; por lo cual, ocurren fenómenos y reacciones en el lugar tratado, iniciando con la formación de hueso reticular que se da desde el primer día después del abordaje quirúrgico hasta la cuarta o sexta semana; posterior a ello, existe la adaptación de la masa ósea a la carga en el segundo mes y, por último, la adaptación de la estructura ósea a la carga que empieza en el tercer mes hasta toda la vida. Esto indica que la osteointegración se encuentra relacionada con el tiempo, como uno de los factores esenciales para que se produzca el proceso biológico. También, existen factores de riesgo relacionado con el proceso de osteointegración, pudiendo influir en la adecuada solidificación o no del hueso y el implante; entre estos factores de riesgo se tienen: sexo, edad, enfermedades del paciente, alteraciones sistémicas como la diabetes mellitus, medicación actual del paciente y una deficiente higiene bucal, entre otras.
This paper aims to present a bibliographic review of the theoretical aspects of osseointegration; is a bibliographic research, which was based on the search and collection of scientific articles related to the subject. Osseointegration is the union or direct fusion that occurs between the bone and the surface of the implant material, generating as a result the resistance and serving, in this way, as a basis for future prosthetic rehabilitation. Osseointegration is a process that goes through several phases or stages after the implantation has been done; therefore, phenomena and reactions occur in the treated place, starting with the formation of reticular bone that occurs from the first day after the surgical approach until the fourth or sixth week; After that, there is the adaptation of the bone mass to the load in the second month and, finally, the adaptation of the bone structure to the load that begins in the third month until the end of life. This indicates that osseointegration is related to time, as one of the essential factors for the biological process to occur. Also, there are risk factors related to the osseointegration process, which may influence the adequate solidification or not of the bone and the implant; Among these risk factors are: sex, age, diseases of the patient, systemic alterations such as diabetes mellitus, current medication of the patient and poor oral hygiene, among others.
This paper aims to present a bibliographic review of the theoretical aspects of osseointegration; is a bibliographic research, which was based on the search and collection of scientific articles related to the subject. Osseointegration is the union or direct fusion that occurs between the bone and the surface of the implant material, generating as a result the resistance and serving, in this way, as a basis for future prosthetic rehabilitation. Osseointegration is a process that goes through several phases or stages after the implantation has been done; therefore, phenomena and reactions occur in the treated place, starting with the formation of reticular bone that occurs from the first day after the surgical approach until the fourth or sixth week; After that, there is the adaptation of the bone mass to the load in the second month and, finally, the adaptation of the bone structure to the load that begins in the third month until the end of life. This indicates that osseointegration is related to time, as one of the essential factors for the biological process to occur. Also, there are risk factors related to the osseointegration process, which may influence the adequate solidification or not of the bone and the implant; Among these risk factors are: sex, age, diseases of the patient, systemic alterations such as diabetes mellitus, current medication of the patient and poor oral hygiene, among others.
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Discipline: Implantología Oral
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. Facultad de Estomatología
Grade or title: Especialista en Implantología Oral
Register date: 10-Jul-2019
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