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Ormeño, D., (2019). Extracciones asimétricas en ortodoncia [Trabajo académico, Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega].
Ormeño, D., Extracciones asimétricas en ortodoncia [Trabajo académico]. : Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega; 2019.
title = "Extracciones asimétricas en ortodoncia",
author = "Ormeño Cayllahua, Deyvis Richard",
publisher = "Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega",
year = "2019"
Title: Extracciones asimétricas en ortodoncia
Authors(s): Ormeño Cayllahua, Deyvis Richard
Advisor(s): Infantes Vargas, Valery Jorge
Keywords: Extracciones asimétricas; Subdivisión; Asimetría dental; Asymmetric extractions; Subdivision; Dental asymmetry
Issue Date: 11-Jul-2019
Institution: Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
Abstract: En el presente estudio se realizó una revisión actualizada sobre la terapéutica ortodóntica
concerniente a las extracciones asimétricas, cuyo objetivo siempre estuvo dirigido a normalizar
la estética y la oclusión requerida comúnmente en una Maloclusión clase II subdivisión y en los
casos excepcionales en clase I o clase III con extracción asimétrica de un incisivo. La terapéutica
de extracciones asimétricas se basa en el diagnóstico, el cual debe considerar precisión de los
exámenes extraorales, intraorales e imagenológicos para determinar si la asimetría es origen
dental, óseo o funcional y así planificar el tratamiento indicado.
La revisión del uso de una terapéutica con extracciones asimétricas amplia el conocimiento de
las ventajas, desventajas, indicaciones, y comparaciones con otros protocolos de extracción
simétrica. La importancia del diagnóstico está basada en la decisión de una terapéutica de
indicaciones específicas, en la que la estabilidad ha sido igualmente discutida como en casos
de extracciones simétricas. La estabilidad a largo plazo y la presentación de casos en el
presente estudio permiten reconocer la indicación de la terapéutica especialmente para las
maloclusiones con subdivisión.
Es importante que el ortodoncista desarrolle una evaluación detallada para determinar los
factores de la asimetría, evaluar el impacto estético que conlleve comúnmente por la desviación
de la línea media dentaria, y así con el uso de una correcta biomecánica preveer el uso de un
anclaje adecuado para restablecer la oclusión y la estética. Las extracciones asimétricas han
resultado ser una terapéutica conservadora por requerir menos extracciones, además los
estudios señalan que su uso ha ido en aumento y ganando constancia y estabilidad a través de
los años, el método de evaluación ABO ha determinado la finalización ortodóntica en relación
molar clase II o III funcional, simplificando y acortando el tiempo de tratamiento en comparación
con la extracción de 4 premolares.
In the present study an updated review was made on orthodontic therapeutics concerning asymmetric extractions, whose objective was always aimed at normalizing the aesthetics and occlusion commonly required in a Class II subdivision malocclusion and in exceptional cases in Class I or Class III with asymmetric extraction of an incisor. Therapy of asymmetric extractions is based on the diagnosis, which should consider the accuracy of the extraoral, intraoral and imaging tests to determine if the asymmetry is dental, bone or functional origin and thus plan the indicated treatment. The review of the use of a therapy with asymmetric extractions broadens the knowledge of the advantages, disadvantages, indications, and comparisons with other symmetric extraction protocols. The importance of the diagnosis is based on the decision of a therapy of specific indications, in which the stability has been equally discussed as in cases of symmetric extractions. The long-term stability and the presentation of cases in the present study allow to recognize the indication of the therapy especially for malocclusions with subdivision. It is important that the orthodontist develop a detailed evaluation to determine the factors of the asymmetry, evaluate the aesthetic impact that commonly leads to the deviation of the dental midline, and thus with the use of a correct biomechanics to foresee the use of a suitable anchor for restore the occlusion and aesthetics. Asymmetric extractions have proved to be a conservative therapy because they require less extractions, and studies indicate that their use has been increasing and gaining consistency and stability over the years, the ABO evaluation method has determined the orthodontic completion in molar class II or III functional, simplifying and shortening the treatment time compared to the extraction of 4 premolars.
In the present study an updated review was made on orthodontic therapeutics concerning asymmetric extractions, whose objective was always aimed at normalizing the aesthetics and occlusion commonly required in a Class II subdivision malocclusion and in exceptional cases in Class I or Class III with asymmetric extraction of an incisor. Therapy of asymmetric extractions is based on the diagnosis, which should consider the accuracy of the extraoral, intraoral and imaging tests to determine if the asymmetry is dental, bone or functional origin and thus plan the indicated treatment. The review of the use of a therapy with asymmetric extractions broadens the knowledge of the advantages, disadvantages, indications, and comparisons with other symmetric extraction protocols. The importance of the diagnosis is based on the decision of a therapy of specific indications, in which the stability has been equally discussed as in cases of symmetric extractions. The long-term stability and the presentation of cases in the present study allow to recognize the indication of the therapy especially for malocclusions with subdivision. It is important that the orthodontist develop a detailed evaluation to determine the factors of the asymmetry, evaluate the aesthetic impact that commonly leads to the deviation of the dental midline, and thus with the use of a correct biomechanics to foresee the use of a suitable anchor for restore the occlusion and aesthetics. Asymmetric extractions have proved to be a conservative therapy because they require less extractions, and studies indicate that their use has been increasing and gaining consistency and stability over the years, the ABO evaluation method has determined the orthodontic completion in molar class II or III functional, simplifying and shortening the treatment time compared to the extraction of 4 premolars.
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Discipline: Ortodoncia y ortopedia maxilar
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. Facultad de Estomatología
Grade or title: Especialista en ortodoncia y ortopedia maxilar
Register date: 13-Sep-2019
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