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Leslie, S., (2017). Farmacocinética y farmacodinamia [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega].
Leslie, S., Farmacocinética y farmacodinamia [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. : Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega; 2017.
title = "Farmacocinética y farmacodinamia",
author = "Leslie Pamela, Silva Estela",
publisher = "Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega",
year = "2017"
Title: Farmacocinética y farmacodinamia
Authors(s): Leslie Pamela, Silva Estela
Advisor(s): Aranibar Del Carpio, Edgar Omar
Keywords: Farmacología; Farmacocinética; Biotransformación; Vía de administración; Sinergismo; Antagonismo; Farmacodinamia; Pharmacology; Pharmacokinetics; Biotransformation; Route of administration; Synergism; Antagonism; Pharmacodynamics
Issue Date: 13-Sep-2017
Institution: Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
Abstract: La finalidad del presente trabajo monográfico es dar a conocer la importancia del conocimiento de la aplicación clínica y científica de la farmacología, tanto para el Cirujano Dentista como para todos los profesionales del área de la salud. La farmacología es la ciencia que estudia los medicamentos y cuyo principal objetivo es el de proporcionar datos científicos que permitan elegir un tratamiento farmacológico de eficacia comprobada y seguridad, de las diversas opciones disponibles, para adaptarse al paciente. Se divide en dos ramas: la farmacocinética y farmacodinamia, las cuales determinan su utilidad terapéutica. La farmacocinética estudia las modificaciones que experimenta un medicamento dentro del organismo, desde que es administrado hasta que se elimina. Ésta comprende los procesos de Liberación, Absorción, Distribución, Metabolismo (biotransformación) y Excreción (eliminación), que se resumen mediante las siglas LADME. La absorción de un fármaco es el paso de éste, desde el lugar de su aplicación, que dependerá de la vía de administración; hasta llegar a los vasos sanguíneos o linfáticos. Mediante la circulación el fármaco se distribuye a varios tejidos corporales o sitios objetivos. La distribución está influenciada por la unión a proteínas, el flujo sanguíneo y la solubilidad. Posterior a esto, se produce la alteración química del fármaco en el organismo (metabolismo), para luego ser excretados al medio externo a través de diversas vías (orina, heces, saliva, leche materna, etc.). Por otro lado, la farmacodinamia, estudia la acción y las modificaciones bioquímicas y fisiológicas de los fármacos sobre el organismo vivo. Es así, que comprende el estudio de los principios de acción y mecanismo de acción de los fármacos, la relación dosis-respuesta, el efecto combinado de los fármacos y su dosificación. Por lo tanto, el odontólogo está en la obligación de investigar y comprender cada uno de los procesos farmacocinéticos y farmacodinámicos y de los factores que influyen en estos, antes de prescribir algún medicamento, con el fin de evitar efectos adversos, tóxicos o interacciones medicamentosas
The purpose of this monographic work is to present the importance of the knowledge of the clinical and scientific application of pharmacology, both for the Dental Surgeon and for all the professionals in the health area. Pharmacology is the science that studies drugs and whose main objective is to provide scientific data to choose a pharmacological treatment of proven effectiveness and safety, from all the available options, to adapt to the patient. It is divided into two branches: pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, which determine its therapeutic usefulness. Pharmacokinetics studies the modifications that a drug undergoes in the organism, since it is administered until it is eliminated. This includes the processes of Liberation, Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism (biotransformation) and Excretion (elimination), which are summarized by the initials LADME. The absorption of a drug is the pass of the drug, from the place of its application, which depends on the route of administration; until they reach the blood or lymphatic vessels. Through circulation the drug distributes to body tissues or target sites. The distribution is influenced by protein binding, blood flow and solubility. Subsequent to this, the chemical alteration of the drug occurs in the body (metabolism), to be later excreted into the external environment through various pathways (urine, feces, saliva, breast milk, etc.). On the other hand, pharmacodynamics, studies the action and the biochemical and physiological modifications of the drugs into the organism. It includes the study of the principles and mechanism of action of the drugs, the dose-response relationship, the combined effect of the drugs and their dosage. Therefore, the dentist is under an obligation to investigate and understand each of the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics processes and the factors that influence them, before prescribing any medication, in order to avoid toxic, adverse effects, or drug interactions
The purpose of this monographic work is to present the importance of the knowledge of the clinical and scientific application of pharmacology, both for the Dental Surgeon and for all the professionals in the health area. Pharmacology is the science that studies drugs and whose main objective is to provide scientific data to choose a pharmacological treatment of proven effectiveness and safety, from all the available options, to adapt to the patient. It is divided into two branches: pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, which determine its therapeutic usefulness. Pharmacokinetics studies the modifications that a drug undergoes in the organism, since it is administered until it is eliminated. This includes the processes of Liberation, Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism (biotransformation) and Excretion (elimination), which are summarized by the initials LADME. The absorption of a drug is the pass of the drug, from the place of its application, which depends on the route of administration; until they reach the blood or lymphatic vessels. Through circulation the drug distributes to body tissues or target sites. The distribution is influenced by protein binding, blood flow and solubility. Subsequent to this, the chemical alteration of the drug occurs in the body (metabolism), to be later excreted into the external environment through various pathways (urine, feces, saliva, breast milk, etc.). On the other hand, pharmacodynamics, studies the action and the biochemical and physiological modifications of the drugs into the organism. It includes the study of the principles and mechanism of action of the drugs, the dose-response relationship, the combined effect of the drugs and their dosage. Therefore, the dentist is under an obligation to investigate and understand each of the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics processes and the factors that influence them, before prescribing any medication, in order to avoid toxic, adverse effects, or drug interactions
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Discipline: Estomatología
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. Facultad de Estomatología
Grade or title: Licenciado en Cirujano Dentista
Register date: 24-Oct-2017
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