Bibliographic citations
Bartens, C., Flor, R. (2015). Clima organizacional y liderazgo autocrático en la gestión de producción de la empresa agroexportadora [Tesis, Universidad inca Garcilaso de la Vega].
Bartens, C., Flor, R. Clima organizacional y liderazgo autocrático en la gestión de producción de la empresa agroexportadora [Tesis]. : Universidad inca Garcilaso de la Vega; 2015.
title = "Clima organizacional y liderazgo autocrático en la gestión de producción de la empresa agroexportadora",
author = "Flor Vera, Rulio Luis",
publisher = "Universidad inca Garcilaso de la Vega",
year = "2015"
This research sought to determine the relationship between organizational climate and autocratic leadership in the management of production Empresa Agroexportadora SAC in the city of Trujillo. Identified relationships of production management organizational climate and the relationship between the autocratic leadership in the management of production. This research work, consists of a population of 56 workers of the object of study. The sample size was equal to the population is 56 workers in the area of production based on a sampling non-probability for convenience. It was processed the data and concluded in that determined the level of relationship between the interpersonal relationships of the organizational climate and the management of production of Empresa Agroexportadora SAC in the city of Trujillo, being the percentage of rejection of the current organizational climate of 47.46%. It is demonstrated the specific hypothesis that there is a high correlation positive reached 0.711 between interpersonal relationships of the organizational environment in the management of production and it is concluded in that determined the level of relationship between the autocratic leadership and management of production of the Empresa Agroexportadora SAC in the city of Trujillo, being the percentage of the autocratic leadership of 38.54%. It is concluded that you showed the hypothesis that there is relationship between autocratic leadership and management of production achieved moderate positive correlation of 0.664. Finally recommended to the directors of the Empresa Agroexportadora SAC training to the personnel of the company in the subject "personal relationships" to improve the organizational climate and the head of HR programming training in leadership staff including the heads of each area with the aim of eradicating the leadership and promoting the leadership on all workers and not only heads.
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