Bibliographic citations
Chura, C., (2016). Los actos inscribibles en la Sunarp y sus implicancias en la reducción de hipotecas en bienes inmuebles. [Tesis, Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega].
Chura, C., Los actos inscribibles en la Sunarp y sus implicancias en la reducción de hipotecas en bienes inmuebles. [Tesis]. : Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega; 2016.
title = "Los actos inscribibles en la Sunarp y sus implicancias en la reducción de hipotecas en bienes inmuebles.",
author = "Chura Quenta, Carlos Enrique",
publisher = "Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega",
year = "2016"
The thesis development has in order to provide significant contributions regarding registrable acts in the SUNARP and its implications in reducing mortgages in real estate, because now many people do not register their properties by lack of information and knowledge in the Registers , which insures your property against third parties; for which the methodology of scientific research, instrument used to develop important aspects of the work, from its first chapter to the last was used. The study conducted gathering information about different specialists regarding the development of the variables: registrable acts and mortgage; for the study of field survey technique was used with the instrument the questionnaire the same consisted of 14 questions that were answered by skilled lawyers of CAL, who gave their different views on this issue, before being carried statistical graphics as well as their respective interpretations; of course, the hypotheses were contrasted and then arrive at the conclusions and recommendations of the work. Finally, in the last part of the thesis it concludes with the contributions that occur as a result of the investigation, the same as fully achieved, providing recommendations which are considered as viable and practicable; also the extensive bibliography, as well as the relevant Annex is added.
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