Bibliographic citations
Melo, H., (2017). El proceso de filiación extramatrimonial y el reconocimiento de los derechos fundamentales del niño en Lima Metropolitana [Tesis, Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega].
Melo, H., El proceso de filiación extramatrimonial y el reconocimiento de los derechos fundamentales del niño en Lima Metropolitana [Tesis]. : Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega; 2017.
title = "El proceso de filiación extramatrimonial y el reconocimiento de los derechos fundamentales del niño en Lima Metropolitana",
author = "Melo Yllatinco, Hilda",
publisher = "Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega",
year = "2017"
The research titled extramarital AFFILIATION PROCESS AND RECOGNITION OF FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS OF THE CHILD IN LIMA, it aims to determine the incidence of extramarital filiation process in the recognition of fundamental rights. It was used to achieve that objective, deductive, inductive and descriptive method and a non-experimental design also surveyed a population consisting of 135 judges and 100 lawyers specialized in civil cases totaling 235. In calculating the size of the sample was applied He was finally worked with 146 people. As the instrument of data collection have the questionnaire consisted of 13 items of closed type, the same as were emptied into boxes where frequencies and percentages were calculated, complemented by the analysis and interpretation of results, which allowed us the hypotheses. Finally it concluded and recommended closely with the problems, objectives and hypotheses.
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