Bibliographic citations
Napánga, V., (2018). Diseño de una estación base en banda 700 MHz para ampliación de cobertura en la transferencia de datos en el poblado de máncora [Tesis, Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega].
Napánga, V., Diseño de una estación base en banda 700 MHz para ampliación de cobertura en la transferencia de datos en el poblado de máncora [Tesis]. : Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega; 2018.
title = "Diseño de una estación base en banda 700 MHz para ampliación de cobertura en la transferencia de datos en el poblado de máncora",
author = "Napánga Chávez, Vanessa Analí",
publisher = "Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega",
year = "2018"
The design of a mobile base station with frequency of 700 MHz is applied with 4G LTE Advanced technology with Carrier Aggregation, which provides the required coverage and mobility, since in the Poblado de Máncora there are coverage problems and in the transfer of data only has the AWS (Advanced Wireless Services) band that operates in high frequency with limited coverage and to give a solution to the problem, an explanation of the architecture of the 4G LTE - A is given, with an engineering design methodology adapted from Telefónica of Peru based on work experience in mobile operators. The solution includes: Phase of site acquisition and design phase, which leads us to provide a technological solution that is executed sequentially. Developing the site acquisition phase, the search of the site and geo-referential search are carried out, continuing with the design phase the coverage calculations, selection of equipment and infrastructure are made. Next, the results obtained from viability, efficiency, availability and compliance. The viability gives us the propagation loss of approximately 123.56dB.
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