Bibliographic citations
Vásquez, B., (2019). Uso de la plataforma NEO LMS como estrategia didáctica del plan lector para el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa textual argumentativa de las estudiantes de cuarto año de secundaria de la I.E. Regina Pacis del distrito de Santiago de Surco [Tesis, Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la VegaUniversidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega].
Vásquez, B., Uso de la plataforma NEO LMS como estrategia didáctica del plan lector para el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa textual argumentativa de las estudiantes de cuarto año de secundaria de la I.E. Regina Pacis del distrito de Santiago de Surco [Tesis]. : Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la VegaUniversidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega; 2019.
title = "Uso de la plataforma NEO LMS como estrategia didáctica del plan lector para el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa textual argumentativa de las estudiantes de cuarto año de secundaria de la I.E. Regina Pacis del distrito de Santiago de Surco",
author = "Vásquez Ramírez, Berna Jenny Patricia",
publisher = "Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega;Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega",
year = "2019"
The use of virtual platforms as a learning strategy in regular basic education (EBR) is a kind of research that is innovative and relevant in the area of communication, even more, at the secondary level. For this reason, the present research aims to evaluate the influence of the use of the NEO LMS virtual platform as a didactic strategy of reading plan in the development of argumentative textual communicative competence in students of fourth year of secondary level from Regina Pacis School in the district of Santiago de Surco. The study consisted of all students from fourth year of secondary level of the school mentioned above which included forty students, divided into two groups, A and B, each classroom with 20 students between fifteen and sixteen years old. The design corresponds to the quasi-experimental with a control group, because those groups, , have been sorted before the research, according to various criteria proposed by the institution. The results obtained show that through the NEO LMS virtual platform used as a strategy of the reading plan, students' argumentative textual communicative competence can be developed; in the same way, this platform influences a positive way the processes of planning, textualization and reflection of the production of argumentative texts. In addition, our students are motivated by the use of technology, they are responsible for their work, by autonomy with their own learning because they must learn to organize, and to work collaboratively; consequently, they develop the value of tolerance and criticality, the last one indispensable in our current society.
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