Bibliographic citations
Montalvan, M., Tovar, S. (2024). Relación entre el índice de masa corporal y el índice aterogénico en adultos de la Asociación de vivienda La Cruz de Pedregal -Anexo 22- Huarochirí – 2023 [Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener].
Montalvan, M., Tovar, S. Relación entre el índice de masa corporal y el índice aterogénico en adultos de la Asociación de vivienda La Cruz de Pedregal -Anexo 22- Huarochirí – 2023 []. PE: Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener; 2024.
title = "Relación entre el índice de masa corporal y el índice aterogénico en adultos de la Asociación de vivienda La Cruz de Pedregal -Anexo 22- Huarochirí – 2023",
author = "Tovar Ticse, Sthefany Sammy",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener",
year = "2024"
Objective: Determine the relationship between the body mass index and the atherogenic index in adults from the La Cruz de Pedregal Housing Association - Annex 22- Huarochirí - 2023. Methodology: It was based on a hypothetical-deductive approach of a quantitative nature. It was classified as a basic type study. The design used was non-experimental and cross-sectional, made up of 151 residents, the instrument used was observation and the instrument used was the observation sheet. Results: 64.9% were evident for the female sex, male (35.1%) for the age of 29 - 39 years, (23.2%), 40-50 years, (25.8%), The body mass index of adults was located in the categories Underweight, Normal, Overweight or Pre-Obese, Grade I or moderate Obesity, Grade II or severe Obesity and Grade III or morbid Obesity with 0.7%, 18.5 %. , 41.1%, 29.1%, 9.3% and 1.3% respectively; The female sex presents a greater number of cases of overweight, representing a percentage of 74% of the total cases studied, 61.6% of the participants presented an atherogenic index classified as "Low", 35.8% showed a "Moderate" index, 2.6% exhibited an index considered "High". Conclusion: It was determined that there is no relationship between the body mass index and the atherogenic index in adults from the La Cruz de Pedregal Housing Association - Annex 22- Huarochirí - 2023, with a p-value of 0.851.
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