Bibliographic citations
Ávila, K., (2024). Riesgo y desempeño laboral del personal de salud de un establecimiento de salud de Lima Metropolitana, Lima 2024 [Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener].
Ávila, K., Riesgo y desempeño laboral del personal de salud de un establecimiento de salud de Lima Metropolitana, Lima 2024 []. PE: Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener; 2024.
title = "Riesgo y desempeño laboral del personal de salud de un establecimiento de salud de Lima Metropolitana, Lima 2024",
author = "Ávila Medrano, Kellin Belen",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener",
year = "2024"
The central objective of the research project was: “Determine the relationship between risk and work performance in health personnel of a Health Establishment in Metropolitan Lima, 2024.” The methodology used was based on the hypothetical-deductive method, having a quantitative research approach, a descriptive-correlational level and a non-experimental design. In addition; The population was made up of 80 health personnel. Next, the survey technique was used and, therefore, two questionnaires to measure the indicated variables. The result was that: the risk is related to work performance (r: 0.443; p: 0.00) it was also identified that the chemical risk is not related to work performance (r: 0.410; p: 0.414), however, the biological risk does have a relationship with job performance (r: 0.446; p:0.00) and finally ergonomic risk is related to job performance (r: 0.405; p:0.00). In this way, it is concluded that the presence of occupational risks influences the work performance of the Health personnel of the Health Establishment of Metropolitan Lima.
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