Bibliographic citations
Sanchez, R., (2024). Conocimientos y prácticas de enfermería sobre el catéter venoso central percutáneo en el recién nacido en la unidad de cuidados intermedios en un hospital público, 2024 [Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener].
Sanchez, R., Conocimientos y prácticas de enfermería sobre el catéter venoso central percutáneo en el recién nacido en la unidad de cuidados intermedios en un hospital público, 2024 []. PE: Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener; 2024.
title = "Conocimientos y prácticas de enfermería sobre el catéter venoso central percutáneo en el recién nacido en la unidad de cuidados intermedios en un hospital público, 2024",
author = "Sanchez Alfaro, Ruddy Christie",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener",
year = "2024"
Introduction: Percutaneous catheter insertion The catheter is used for prolonged intravenous therapy and TPN for intravenous infusion of antibiotics and hydration, the reason for catheter removal was due to mechanical complications and infectious complications. This study contributes to critical reflection in relation to obtaining safe venous access by nursing. Objective: Determine the relationship that exists between risk factors and nursing cognitive competencies on percutaneous catheter care in the Intermediate Care Unit, Lima – 2024. Methods: The research has a correlational design and will have validated and reliable instruments. called nursing procedure guides. With resolution n° 473-2016-hch/06ie, its purpose is to analyze whether nursing causes risk factors in the placement of a central venous catheter-PICC or its subsequent care. The reliability of the instruments was applied by the authors of each experiment with a Richardson k value of 0.759 for knowledge and 0.793 for practice, which indicates.
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