Bibliographic citations
Mendoza, D., Merino, C. (2024). Fintech de medio de pago y su incidencia en los ingresos de las Mypes del Distrito Veintiséis de Octubre-2022 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Mendoza, D., Merino, C. Fintech de medio de pago y su incidencia en los ingresos de las Mypes del Distrito Veintiséis de Octubre-2022 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2024.
title = "Fintech de medio de pago y su incidencia en los ingresos de las Mypes del Distrito Veintiséis de Octubre-2022",
author = "Merino Saavedra, Carlos Antonio",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2024"
The present research focused on studying the relationship between payment medium Fintechs and the revenues of MSEs in the district of Veintiséis de Octubre during the year 2022. Quantitative methods were used to collect data from a representative sample of MSEs. The research developed is of a basic type, quantitative approach, with a non-experimental cross-sectional design and correlational level or scope. The survey was used as a data collection technique and the questionnaire as an instrument, carried out on a sample of 370 MSEs in the district of Veintiséis de Octubre. The results revealed a positive incidence between the two factors where the Spearman correlation coefficient is 0754, which means that the Fintech means of payment have an impact on the income of micro and small enterprises. This demonstrates how digital technology adoption and innovation can act as catalysts of change for MSEs. Incorporating fintech can not only boost efficiency in day-to-day operations, but also unlock new opportunities by facilitating access to unexplored markets and improving customer experience. This can result in significant business growth, evidencing the immense value that fintech can bring to MSEs in today's economy.
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