Bibliographic citations
Abanto, H., (2021). Modelo de computación cognitiva basado en TOGAF 9.2 y Big Data Agile para el análisis de indicadores de gestión aplicando IBM Watson en la empresa Atento-Trujillo [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Abanto, H., Modelo de computación cognitiva basado en TOGAF 9.2 y Big Data Agile para el análisis de indicadores de gestión aplicando IBM Watson en la empresa Atento-Trujillo [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2021.
title = "Modelo de computación cognitiva basado en TOGAF 9.2 y Big Data Agile para el análisis de indicadores de gestión aplicando IBM Watson en la empresa Atento-Trujillo",
author = "Abanto Cabrera, Heber Gerson",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2021"
This research project aims to propose a cognitive computing model oriented towards the clients of the Atento-Trujillo company, developing one of the most relevant and crucial aspects, which is to use artificial intelligence to empower the human being - the business- and that acts on the complex systems of our society. This augmented intelligence is the next necessary step in our ability to harness technology in the pursuit of knowledge, enhance our expertise, and improve the human condition. The cognitive computing model that consists of 6 phases, clearly detailed, is applied to a specific context through a business case, which allows Atento-Trujillo to analyze the main management indicators of a client, empowering decision-makers at the managerial level in an intelligent way. Subsequently, the proposed cognitive computing model is validated and it is concluded that the model substantially improves in granularity and reporting time, as well as in the adaptation, standardization and development time of the model.
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