Bibliographic citations
Peña, N., (2022). Fundamentos jurídicos para modificar la pena de inhabilitación permanente en el delito de cohecho activo en el ámbito de la función policial [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Peña, N., Fundamentos jurídicos para modificar la pena de inhabilitación permanente en el delito de cohecho activo en el ámbito de la función policial [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2022.
title = "Fundamentos jurídicos para modificar la pena de inhabilitación permanente en el delito de cohecho activo en el ámbito de la función policial",
author = "Peña Michilot, Nadia Leticia",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2022"
This investigation touches on one of the observed and widely discussed problems in the justice administration system that we have called ““LEGAL FOUNDATIONS TO MODIFY THE PERMANENT DISABILITY PENALTY IN THE CRIME OF ACTIVE BRIBERY IN THE FIELD OF THE POLICE FUNCTION.““ This issue has been the subject of debate by notorious doctrinaires and justice operators in our midst; the present work focuses on determining the legal bases to modify the penalty of permanent disqualification in the crime of active bribery in the field of the police function. The methods used in this research obey logical methods, following a deductive, analytical - synthetic and comparative analysis, we have also resorted to legal methods in which they allow us to interpret the penal code hermeneutically. At the same time, through the doctrinal method, we select the positions that adjust to our proposals. The result of our investigation is presented as conclusions where we finally state that: The legal bases to modify the penalty of permanent disqualification in the crime of active bribery in the field of the police function are: Breach of the resocializing purpose of the penalty; affectation of the principle of proportionality; violation of the right to work and free development of the personality
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