Bibliographic citations
Vinces, S., (2019). Efecto de la sustitución parcial de manteca de cacao por extracto concentrado de yacón y de la adición de lecitina de soya en el color, viscosidad, firmeza y aceptabilidad general en una cobertura de chocolate [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Vinces, S., Efecto de la sustitución parcial de manteca de cacao por extracto concentrado de yacón y de la adición de lecitina de soya en el color, viscosidad, firmeza y aceptabilidad general en una cobertura de chocolate [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2019.
title = "Efecto de la sustitución parcial de manteca de cacao por extracto concentrado de yacón y de la adición de lecitina de soya en el color, viscosidad, firmeza y aceptabilidad general en una cobertura de chocolate",
author = "Vinces Gordillo, Susan Jelytza",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2019"
In this investigation, the effect of three partial substitutions of cocoa butter by concentrated yacon extract (5, 7 and 9%) and of the addition of three concentrations of soy lecithin (0.10, 0.25 and 0.50%) on the color (L*, a*, b*), plastic viscosity (𝜂), minimum yield stress (𝜏), firmness and general acceptability in chocolate coating tablets was evaluated. The ANOVA showed a significant effect (p<0.05) of the partial substitution of cocoa butter with concentrated yacon extract in L*, a*, plastic viscosity, minimum yield stress, firmness-2mm and firmness-4mm and the addition of soy lecithin showed significant effect on L*, a*, b*, minimum yield strength and firmness-2mm. The Skillings - Mack test indicated that samples of chocolate coatings with yacon extract and soy lecithin did not show significant differences (p>0.05) among them with reference to general acceptability. Chocolate coating tablets with 9% cocoa butter substitution by concentrated yacon extract and with 0.25% of soy lecithin addition presented the most adequate values of L* (24.58), a* (10.51), b* (8.55), plastic viscosity (0.98 Pa.s), minimum yield stress (15.16 Pa), firmness-2mm (39.74 N), firmness-4mm (40.33 N) and general acceptability with the highest average (7.81) and mode of 8 (““I like it much““). Duncan's test also showed that treatment with 5% concentrated yacon extract with 0.50% soy lecithin had the lowest Casson plastic viscosity values (𝜂 ) and minimum yield stress (𝜏 ), and the lowest average (6.71) with mode of 7 (““I like it““) in the sensory evaluation test of general acceptability.
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