Bibliographic citations
Velásquez, S., (2022). La cultura financiera y su influencia en la competitividad de las MYPES del sector calzado del distrito El Porvenir-2020 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Velásquez, S., La cultura financiera y su influencia en la competitividad de las MYPES del sector calzado del distrito El Porvenir-2020 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2022.
title = "La cultura financiera y su influencia en la competitividad de las MYPES del sector calzado del distrito El Porvenir-2020",
author = "Velásquez Contreras, Segundo Manuel",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2022"
Due to the importance of financial culture in all economic sectors of the country, a factor that generates competitiveness, this research has been developed, which aimed to determine the influence of financial culture on the competitiveness of mypes in the footwear sector of the country. El Porvenir District; considering a non experimental, cross-sectional, correlational study; An instrument was designed to measure the financial culture of microentrepreneurs, with a reliability of 0.733 according to Cronbach's Alpha; the instrument to measure competitiveness obtained a reliability of 0.719; the population was formed by 733 active companies, footwear producers of the El Porvenir District, with a sample of 252 microentrepreneurs, the results indicated that the level of financial culture and the level of competitiveness is low, the dimensions of the financial culture are significantly related with competitiveness with significance values <0.05; According to the Chi square test, a significance of 0.016 <0.05 and a Chi Square value = 15,000 > 9.4877 (tabulated chi square) were obtained for the verification of hypotheses, concluding that the financial culture significantly influences the competitiveness of the MYPES of the footwear sector of the El Porvenir district, 2020
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