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Esquivel, R., (2024). Obesidad como factor asociado a complicaciones postcirugía electiva de las hernias umbilicales [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Esquivel, R., Obesidad como factor asociado a complicaciones postcirugía electiva de las hernias umbilicales [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2024.
title = "Obesidad como factor asociado a complicaciones postcirugía electiva de las hernias umbilicales",
author = "Esquivel Vásquez, Roxana Emperatriz",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2024"
Title: Obesidad como factor asociado a complicaciones postcirugía electiva de las hernias umbilicales
Authors(s): Esquivel Vásquez, Roxana Emperatriz
Advisor(s): Fernández Rodríguez, Lissett Jeanette
Keywords: Obesidad; Complicaciones Postoperatorias
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2024
Institution: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego
Abstract: Evaluar la asociación entre la obesidad y las complicaciones
postcirugía electiva en la reparación de hernias umbilicales.
Material y métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio observacional, retrospectivo,
de casos y controles. Se incluyeron 150 pacientes postoperados de cirugía en
la reparación de hernia umbilical en el Hospital I EsSalud de Florencia de Mora,
75 de ellos con presencia de complicaciones postoperatorias y 75 sin
complicaciones postoperatorias. Se elaboraron tablas de frecuencia
bidimensionales para evaluar la asociación de la obesidad y las variables
intervinientes: hipertensión arterial esencial, diabetes mellitus 2, dislipidemia,
técnica quirúrgica con las complicaciones; se empleó la prueba estadística chi
cuadrado y también se calculó su odds ratio e intervalo de confianza al 95%.
Se realizó el análisis de regresión logística para la presencia de complicaciones
postcirugía electiva en la reparación de hernias umbilicales.
Resultados: De los 150 participantes, 75 presentaron el diagnóstico de
obesidad. No se encontró asociación significativa entre obesidad y
complicaciones postoperatorias (p=0,138; OR: 1,63; IC 95%: 0,85 – 3,13).
Conclusiones: Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la obesidad no es un
factor asociado a la aparición general de complicaciones postcirugía electiva en
la reparación de hernias umbilicales. Y tampoco se encontró asociación
estadísticamente significativa con las variables intervinientes
To assess the association between obesity and complications following elective umbilical hernia repair surgery. Material and methods: An observational, retrospective, case-control study was carried out. 150 postoperative patients with surgery for umbilical hernia repair at Hospital I EsSalud in Florencia de Mora were included, 75 of them with the presence of postoperative complications and 75 without postoperative complications. Two-dimensional frequency tables were prepared to evaluate the association of obesity and the intervening variables: essential arterial hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, surgical technique with complications; The chi-square statistical test was used and its odds ratio and 95% confidence interval were also calculated. Logistic regression analysis was performed for the presence of complications after elective surgery for umbilical hernia repair. Results: 75 out of the 150 participants presented a diagnosis of obesity. No significant association was found between obesity and postoperative complications (p=0,138; OR: 1,63; IC 95%: 0,85 – 3,13). Conclusions: The results obtained show that obesity is not a factor associated with the general appearance of complications after elective surgery for umbilical hernia repair. And no statistically significant association was found with the intervening variables
To assess the association between obesity and complications following elective umbilical hernia repair surgery. Material and methods: An observational, retrospective, case-control study was carried out. 150 postoperative patients with surgery for umbilical hernia repair at Hospital I EsSalud in Florencia de Mora were included, 75 of them with the presence of postoperative complications and 75 without postoperative complications. Two-dimensional frequency tables were prepared to evaluate the association of obesity and the intervening variables: essential arterial hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, surgical technique with complications; The chi-square statistical test was used and its odds ratio and 95% confidence interval were also calculated. Logistic regression analysis was performed for the presence of complications after elective surgery for umbilical hernia repair. Results: 75 out of the 150 participants presented a diagnosis of obesity. No significant association was found between obesity and postoperative complications (p=0,138; OR: 1,63; IC 95%: 0,85 – 3,13). Conclusions: The results obtained show that obesity is not a factor associated with the general appearance of complications after elective surgery for umbilical hernia repair. And no statistically significant association was found with the intervening variables
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Discipline: Medicina
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego. Facultad de Medicina Humana
Grade or title: Medico Cirujano
Juror: Segura Plasencia, Niler Manuel; Morales Ramos, Eloisa Perpetua; Lujan Calvo, Maria Del Carmen
Register date: 26-Jul-2024
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