Bibliographic citations
Mondragón, E., (2022). Actitud de la generación Millennials hacia los octógonos de advertencia en alimentos envasados Tumbes – 2020 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Mondragón, E., Actitud de la generación Millennials hacia los octógonos de advertencia en alimentos envasados Tumbes – 2020 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2022.
title = "Actitud de la generación Millennials hacia los octógonos de advertencia en alimentos envasados Tumbes – 2020",
author = "Mondragón Mondragón, Edwin Joel",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2022"
This investigation was developed with the general objective of evaluating the attitude of Millennials towards warning octagons on packaged foods in from the province of Tumbes 2020. The formulated problem was: ¿What is the attitude of the Tumbes Millennials towards the warning octagons in packaged food in 2020? The hypothesis was: From the province of Tumbes Millennials has a positive attitude towards the warning octagons in packaged food in 2020. The specific objectives were to qualify the components of the attitude: cognitive, affective, and cognitive of from the province of Tumbes Millennials towards the warning octagons in packaged food. The population for this research were the millennials that is, people between 20 and 40 years of age residing in the province of Tumbes. The sample was 381 persons. A descriptive design was used for this study. The selected technique was a survey and the instrument was a questionnaire. With a Likert scale which was elaborated for this research.It was a virtual survey because of the Covid19 pandemic. The results indicate that the attitude of the millennials from the province of Tumbestowardsthe warning octagons in packaged food is positive. It was obtained averaging the results of each of the three components: cognitive, affective, and conative. Each component also had a positive qualification.
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