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Franco, V., (2020). Calidad del control prenatal en muertes maternas de la región Piura año 2017 y 2018 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Franco, V., Calidad del control prenatal en muertes maternas de la región Piura año 2017 y 2018 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2020.
title = "Calidad del control prenatal en muertes maternas de la región Piura año 2017 y 2018",
author = "Franco Trelles, Valeria Beatriz",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2020"
Title: Calidad del control prenatal en muertes maternas de la región Piura año 2017 y 2018
Authors(s): Franco Trelles, Valeria Beatriz
Advisor(s): Lachira León, Leonardo
Keywords: Control prenatal; Gestación; Muerte materna; Piura
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2020
Institution: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego
Abstract: Objetivo: Valorar la calidad del control prenatal en muertes maternas de la Región
Piura durante los años 2017 y 2018. Metodología: Estudio Descriptivo,
Observacional, retrospectivo, correlacional de corte transversal de fuente de
información secundaria de los casos de muerte materna en la Región Piura durante
los años 2017 al 2018. Resultados: Entre los años 2017 al 2018 se reportaron un
total de 66 casos de muerte materna, de los cuales el año 2017 presentó la mayor
cantidad de casos (54.54% / 36 casos), la causa más frecuente encontrada en
cuanto defunciones fue por Hipertensión Inducida durante el Embarazo en 23 casos
(34.84%). Solo 1 registro (4.54%) muestra un número de 12 CPN realizados. En 46
de los casos se tuvo al menos un registro de tipo ecográfico (69.69%); del mismo
modo, en 42 pacientes (63.63%) se obtuvo presencia de un test no estresante; y
finalmente el porcentaje de cumplimiento de parámetros evaluados en el control
prenatal de las gestantes mostró rangos entre el 66% al 80%. Conclusiones: La
mayoría de pacientes fueron gestantes mal controladas con menos 6 controles
prenatales. Se reportan porcentajes moderados en cuanto al cumplimiento de
parámetros a evaluar durante el Control Pre Natal en gestantes con muerte materna
de los años 2017 y 2018.
Objective: To assess the quality of prenatal care in maternal deaths in Piura Region during the years 2017 and 2018. Methodology: Descriptive, Observational, retrospective, correlational cross-sectional study of the secondary information source of cases of maternal death in the Piura Region during the years 2017 to 2018. Results: Between the years 2017 to 2018, a total of 66 cases of maternal death were reported, of which the year 2017 presented the largest number of cases (54.54% / 36 cases), the most frequent cause found were due to Induced Hypertension during Pregnancy in 23 cases (34.84%). Only 1 register (4.54%) showed 12 CPN performed. In 46 of the cases there was an ultrasound record in terms of pregnancy (69.69%), in the same way in 42 patients (63,63%) we found presence of non-stressful test; and, finally the level of percentage of evaluated prenatal control parameters of pregnant women showed ranges between 66% and 80%. Conclusions: Most of patients were uncontrolled pregnant women with 6 or less prenatal care. Moderate percentages are reported in terms of evaluated parameters during Prenatal Care in pregnant women with maternal death between 2017 and 2018.
Objective: To assess the quality of prenatal care in maternal deaths in Piura Region during the years 2017 and 2018. Methodology: Descriptive, Observational, retrospective, correlational cross-sectional study of the secondary information source of cases of maternal death in the Piura Region during the years 2017 to 2018. Results: Between the years 2017 to 2018, a total of 66 cases of maternal death were reported, of which the year 2017 presented the largest number of cases (54.54% / 36 cases), the most frequent cause found were due to Induced Hypertension during Pregnancy in 23 cases (34.84%). Only 1 register (4.54%) showed 12 CPN performed. In 46 of the cases there was an ultrasound record in terms of pregnancy (69.69%), in the same way in 42 patients (63,63%) we found presence of non-stressful test; and, finally the level of percentage of evaluated prenatal control parameters of pregnant women showed ranges between 66% and 80%. Conclusions: Most of patients were uncontrolled pregnant women with 6 or less prenatal care. Moderate percentages are reported in terms of evaluated parameters during Prenatal Care in pregnant women with maternal death between 2017 and 2018.
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Discipline: Medicina Humana
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego. Facultad de Medicina Humana
Grade or title: Médico Cirujano
Register date: 8-May-2020
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