Bibliographic citations
Gutierrez, L., (2019). Efecto de la adición de harina de cañihua (chenopodium pallidicaule A.) y fibra cítrica en polvo sobre las características fisicoquímicas y sensoriales en helado tipo crema de vainilla [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Gutierrez, L., Efecto de la adición de harina de cañihua (chenopodium pallidicaule A.) y fibra cítrica en polvo sobre las características fisicoquímicas y sensoriales en helado tipo crema de vainilla [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2019.
title = "Efecto de la adición de harina de cañihua (chenopodium pallidicaule A.) y fibra cítrica en polvo sobre las características fisicoquímicas y sensoriales en helado tipo crema de vainilla",
author = "Gutierrez Esquivel, Lilian Paola",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2019"
The effect of the addition of two concentrations (2 and 4%) of cañihua toasted flour (Chenopodium pallidicaule A.) and three concentrations (1, 2 and 3%) of citrus fiber powder on the content of crude fiber, proteins, overrun, viscosity and general acceptability of a vanilla cream type ice cream was evaluated. We worked with fresh whole milk and the following process was carried out for the elaboration of the ice cream; heavy, mixed, pasteurized, cooled, matured, beaten, packed and frozen. The Levene test showed homogeneity of variance for each parametric variable and the analysis of variance indicated a significant effect of the concentration of cañihua flour and citrus fiber powder on the content of crude fiber, proteins, overrun and apparent viscosity. It was determined that the treatment with addition of cañihua flour concentration to 4% and citrus fiber powder to 3% allowed to obtain the highest content of proteins and crude fiber, and the treatment with addition of the concentration of cañihua flour to 4% and citric fiber powder at 1% was selected as the best because it allowed to obtain the best overrun (59.72%) and viscosity (219.83 mPa.s), and the highest general acceptability (7.3 points) of a vanilla cream type ice cream
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