Bibliographic citations
Hernández, E., Gálvez, J. (2021). Modelo de minería de procesos para mejoras en los procesos a partir de los registros de eventos de los sistemas de información de la empresa de transportes de pasajeros nuevo chinchaysuyo bajo la plataforma de aris en el periodo 2020 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Hernández, E., Gálvez, J. Modelo de minería de procesos para mejoras en los procesos a partir de los registros de eventos de los sistemas de información de la empresa de transportes de pasajeros nuevo chinchaysuyo bajo la plataforma de aris en el periodo 2020 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2021.
title = "Modelo de minería de procesos para mejoras en los procesos a partir de los registros de eventos de los sistemas de información de la empresa de transportes de pasajeros nuevo chinchaysuyo bajo la plataforma de aris en el periodo 2020",
author = "Gálvez Velásquez, Juan Carlos",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2021"
The Empresa de Transportes Nuevo Chinchaysuyo S.R.L., is a company specialized in Public Transportation of People services at a national and interprovincial level, which manages many processes where they seek continuous improvement and the satisfaction of its users to reach their objectives. The processes in the commercialization area of the company have been presenting some problems that cause a certain lack of efficiency and that have not been solved. It is here where process mining becomes a fundamental means to achieve it, but being a little known topic for transport companies in Trujillo, it is somewhat difficult to apply it because the use of this technique is unknown, and the use of an appropriate methodology based on steps to follow to be able to execute it correctly. Process Mining was applied to the Interprovincial Sales process of the company. It was possible to better understand the operation of the process from interviews and later the data collection of the process was carried out to generate the event records. Discovery and compliance checking was performed using the Disco, ProM and ARIS programs. Perspectives were integrated and a diagnosis was made from what was obtained. As a result of the application, findings were obtained that allow us to know the characteristics of the process and possibilities for improvement that would imply increasing the quality of the service of the case studied were identified.
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