Bibliographic citations
Seminario, R., (2023). Necesidad de tipificar el delito de negligencia médica por inobservancias de reglas de cuidado como delito de infracción culposa agravada [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Seminario, R., Necesidad de tipificar el delito de negligencia médica por inobservancias de reglas de cuidado como delito de infracción culposa agravada [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2023.
title = "Necesidad de tipificar el delito de negligencia médica por inobservancias de reglas de cuidado como delito de infracción culposa agravada",
author = "Seminario Girón, Rebecca Alessandra",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2023"
The present work seeks to establish from a doctrinal and practical point of view the Reckless crime, we consider that in the first place its systemic location must be established within the framework of the theory of crime, what is the meaning of the so-called infraction of the duty of care , which we have divided into two aspects, the first in general terms applicable to all professional activities and a second term infraction of the duty of care from the perspective of the medical protocols previously approved by the health area, whether it is of a private nature or public. We consider that pointing out that a person has committed a criminal offense by way of action or omission necessarily requires establishing what are the rules of action required to reduce the risk of injury and which of these have been violated or breached by the agent subject, it is not enough. that reference be made to the fact that said person has acted recklessly, incompetently or negligently, but that it necessarily requires as a condition of the criminal type that it be established in the first place what was the infraction of the duty infringed by the agent subject. This being so, we will be able to establish the predictability of the injury to the legal right protected by the criminal type, in this work from the perspective of the injury to two first-order legal rights: life and body and health. I consider that although it is true our legislation has incorporated in art. 111 and 124 of the Penal Code the crime of Manslaughter and Injury, it is necessary to incorporate into our legislation an aggravating circumstance that incorporates behaviors that affect medical protocols by way of negligence harm the legal good, because it is a profession that must be extremely careful in compliance with previous 4 medical rules in order to protect the life, body and health of people who entrust their health to health professionals.
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