Bibliographic citations
Solón, L., (2020). Diseño de un sistema de bombeo para evacuar las aguas discurridas en la rampa de profundización al nivel 100 de la Minera Huarón [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Solón, L., Diseño de un sistema de bombeo para evacuar las aguas discurridas en la rampa de profundización al nivel 100 de la Minera Huarón [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2020.
title = "Diseño de un sistema de bombeo para evacuar las aguas discurridas en la rampa de profundización al nivel 100 de la Minera Huarón",
author = "Solón Haro, Luis Alberto",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2020"
The objective of the project is to evacuate the discharged waters present in the Huaron Mine, in order to gain access to the existing mineral reserves and resources below, specifically at level 100 of the North and South Zone. As a starting point, a hydrogeological study was carried out to determine the flow to consider in the pumping system. To reach level 100, two deepening ramps will be executed, Rp 857 with North-South direction and Rp 871 with South-North direction, once both reach level 100 through a bypass, both ramps will be integrated, and The main pumping chamber will be built where the water will be pumped from level 100 to level 250, for this, the implementation of a ventilation circuit that will have a North-South direction will also be arranged. A 01 stage pumping system is considered, as nominal flow in each line of 120 l / s and design flow of 360 l / s for each line, with 03 independent pipes of 10 ““HDPE SDR-11, 03 centrifugal pumps (Selected for 120 l / s- ADT 90 m) - 02 pumps operating in parallel with 01 pump in standby. In the deepening of ramp 857, the progress in 5 pumping stages has been considered, taking into account some hydraulic parameters for the calculation of the Hp required for the pump. In the final pumping stage, an alternative pumping chamber with the capacity of 400l / s (pumping tail below Lv. 100). In the deepening of ramp 871, the construction of 4 pumping chambers in the projection of the ramp and an auxiliary pumping chamber at the level 100 level have been considered, the pumping circuit will be cascaded, each chamber will be spaced at 100m In such a way that, arriving at Lv 100, a main pumping pool will be built by pumping the water from Lv 100 to Lv 250 through a 152 m and 10 ft diameter Raise Borer. Finally, the project includes the calculation of two settlers at level 100 for a flow of 400 l / s, a water collection channel, clarified water pools and a pump yard. The viii sedimentation pools will be designed so that the cleaning is carried out with equipment (Scoop)
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