Bibliographic citations
Guzmán, M., (2023). Estabilización de suelos arcillosos adicionando polímeros reciclados para mejoramiento de subrasante en el distrito de Mórrope,2021 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Guzmán, M., Estabilización de suelos arcillosos adicionando polímeros reciclados para mejoramiento de subrasante en el distrito de Mórrope,2021 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2023.
title = "Estabilización de suelos arcillosos adicionando polímeros reciclados para mejoramiento de subrasante en el distrito de Mórrope,2021",
author = "Guzmán Montenegro, Martín Jhair",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2023"
This thesis is using the use of recycled polymers in the Mórrope District, which is the most complete, which is one of the available methods of Subgrade Improvement, which consists in using the polymer that is a compound that has a better structure than allows to improve the subgrade of certain streets of the District, this means that, specifies, on a scale of zero to one hundred, if the asphalt folder is in excellent condition, very good, good, regular, bad, very bad or failed. The following techniques and instruments of Data Collection, Data Analysis, Experiment and electronic instrument were used in this study. The tests were carried out in the soil and materials laboratory of the School of Civil Engineering, the evaluated subgrade was divided into two sections according to their physical characteristics. The type of stabilizer was chosen according to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications of the 8 types of stabilizers that recommend only one was chosen, which was adapted to the soil characteristics to be improved, and then compared with the results obtained from the improvement with recycled polymers. In the results that the Subgrade was achieved with an important presence of clay, it presents some particular characteristics that lead to having a low bearing capacity and volumetric instability. With the use and addition of recycled polymers obtained from disposable bottles, only the physical properties of the soil as a subgrade material are improved
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