Bibliographic citations
Rojas, V., (2023). Álbum virtual para incrementar las visitas turísticas de la provincia de Trujillo el 2021, con geolocalización y realidad aumentada [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Rojas, V., Álbum virtual para incrementar las visitas turísticas de la provincia de Trujillo el 2021, con geolocalización y realidad aumentada [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2023.
title = "Álbum virtual para incrementar las visitas turísticas de la provincia de Trujillo el 2021, con geolocalización y realidad aumentada",
author = "Rojas Pajuelo, Vanessa Jackeline",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2023"
Due to the pandemic, the tourism sector has received a negative impact from the influx of visitors in the city of Trujillo, for this reason, this thesis proposes an information alternative that consists of a virtual album that is a mobile application that allows the tourist to use special functions in addition to the simple text information on traditional web pages. Among the problems encountered we have: lack of information on tourist places, economic impact on the tourism sector of the city of Trujillo. For this purpose, it was seen convenient to develop a mobile application using the ICONIX methodology due to its flexibility and adaptability according to the needs of the Stakeholders and geolocation technologies that provide information in real time according to the coordinates in which the user is located, complemented with augmented reality. , whose technology allowed the user to interact between the physical world and virtual elements. The proposed solution was that it allowed to obtain information in real time and in an interactive way about the tourist places of the city of Trujillo. The application was shown to 35 tourists and a survey was applied to validate their perception regarding the influence of the application with their visit to Trujillo. Of which 26 people qualified as very good because it helped them improve their experience and 9 qualified the application as good, obtaining on average that the level of influence of the mobile application in their decision to travel to Trujillo is 4.48. The important thing about this project is that it corresponds as one more contribution to tourism.
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