Bibliographic citations
Lazo, B., (2022). Consecuencias jurídicas por falta de regulación de la incapacidad de los retardados mentales, los que adolecen de deterioro mental y los privados de discernimiento [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Lazo, B., Consecuencias jurídicas por falta de regulación de la incapacidad de los retardados mentales, los que adolecen de deterioro mental y los privados de discernimiento [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2022.
title = "Consecuencias jurídicas por falta de regulación de la incapacidad de los retardados mentales, los que adolecen de deterioro mental y los privados de discernimiento",
author = "Lazo Castillo, Belisa Isabel",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2022"
The main objective of this research work is to determine the legal consequences that would be generated by the lack of regulation of the incapacity of the mentally retarded, those who suffer from mental deterioration and those who are deprived of discernment; as well as to analyze the grounds for the derogation of incapacity of the mentally retarded, those who suffer from mental deterioration and those who are deprived of discernment; to verify the legal acts that do not correspond to the correct manifestation of the will of the mentally retarded, the mentally impaired and those who are deprived of discernment and; to propose alternative regulations for the protection of the patrimonial rights of the mentally retarded, the mentally impaired and those who are deprived of discernment. Likewise, the methodology used is of the scientific method that will involve the observation and description of the legal figure of the incapacity of the mentally retarded, those suffering from mental deterioration and those deprived of discernment in Peru, without influencing said figure under any circumstances. On the other hand, we will expose the main results of the legal consequences of the lack of regulation of incapacity in such subjects, in order to establish suitable conclusions on the important need for its regulation and its legal consequences in our country.
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