Bibliographic citations
Castillo, D., Castro, J. (2021). Análisis comparativo de costos entre el diseño estructural de un pavimento flexible frente a un pavimento rígido para el mejoramiento del camino vecinal Yapato-Tajamar-Pampa de Loro distrito de Sechura – Piura [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Castillo, D., Castro, J. Análisis comparativo de costos entre el diseño estructural de un pavimento flexible frente a un pavimento rígido para el mejoramiento del camino vecinal Yapato-Tajamar-Pampa de Loro distrito de Sechura – Piura [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2021.
title = "Análisis comparativo de costos entre el diseño estructural de un pavimento flexible frente a un pavimento rígido para el mejoramiento del camino vecinal Yapato-Tajamar-Pampa de Loro distrito de Sechura – Piura",
author = "Castro Maradiegue, Joao Jesus",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2021"
The Yapato, Tajamar and Pampa de Loro local road is located in the province of Sechura in the department of Piura. This neighborhood road is the only road that passes through the aforementioned hamlets for whose inhabitants the road is essential for their development and their better quality of life, since it represents their entry and exit route for them and the transfer of the merchandise that they grow. In this thesis we carry out a comparative analysis between the flexible and rigid pavements of this entire neighborhood road that has 5,900 kilometers and also their respective comparison of costs and their execution time. This local road currently does not have paving, causing difficult access to these hamlets and also the raising of dust affecting the health of the inhabitants. We will design both pavements, both flexible and rigid, following the AASHTO 93 guide found in the Soils, Geology, Geotechnics and Pavements Manual: Soils and Pavements section, given by the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC), carrying out mechanical tests. of soils as they are fundamental for the classification of soils and we will also obtain important parameters for the design of these pavements. The thickness of the pavements will be calculated and finally we will make a total budget of both pavements. This will help us to analyze and determine what type of pavement is best suited to the neighborhood road under study for a future realization of this and it can improve the walkability and increase the quality of life of the inhabitants.
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