Bibliographic citations
Layza, R., Lecca, R. (2024). Aplicación de contabilidad gerencial y su impacto en la gestión financiera de la empresa Automotriz Royal E.I.R.L., Trujillo,2022 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Layza, R., Lecca, R. Aplicación de contabilidad gerencial y su impacto en la gestión financiera de la empresa Automotriz Royal E.I.R.L., Trujillo,2022 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2024.
title = "Aplicación de contabilidad gerencial y su impacto en la gestión financiera de la empresa Automotriz Royal E.I.R.L., Trujillo,2022",
author = "Lecca Rodríguez, Renato Alonso",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2024"
The objective of this research work was to determine how the application of management accounting impacts on the financial management of the company ""Automotriz Royal E.I.R.L."" company in Trujillo. Trujillo and the period covered by the research corresponds to the year 2022. The research was quantitative. Data collection techniques such as interviews and documentary analysis were used to achieve the objectives set. To analyse the management accounting variable, a detailed analysis of the financial statements was carried out. This analysis included the evaluation of fixed and variable costs, the preparation of purchase and sales budgets, as well as a study of financial ratios related to management and profitability. The results of this research led to the conclusion that the application of management accounting had a positive and significant influence on the financial management of the company Automotriz Royal E.I.R.L. year 2022, since the application of management accounting generated clear and timely information for decision making in an efficient manner by the management
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