Bibliographic citations
Tapullima, H., (2020). El derecho al desistimiento como mecanismo protector a favor del consumidor en los contratos celebrados a distancia [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Tapullima, H., El derecho al desistimiento como mecanismo protector a favor del consumidor en los contratos celebrados a distancia [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2020.
title = "El derecho al desistimiento como mecanismo protector a favor del consumidor en los contratos celebrados a distancia",
author = "Tapullima Romero, Holly Amalia",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2020"
The thesis presented below, has been developed with the purpose of identifying, evaluating and proposing a mechanism that protects end consumers who purchase products or contract services, under the modality of distance contracting, proposing as a solution to this problem the regulation in the Peruvian legislation of the right to withdrawal in contracts concluded at a distance. In this thesis the inductive deductive method has been developed, in order to verify how it is that in the current Peruvian regulation, a regulation that regulates the distance contracts and much less an institution that protects the students has not been developed specifically consumers who celebrate under this type of modality. Being the regulation of the right to withdrawal, a necessity for the benefit of society. In conclusion, this thesis seeks the regulation of the right to withdrawal in distance contracts, in order to protect the rights of consumers, establishing what are the characteristics, nature, nature, advantages and disadvantages of the right to withdrawal, and which way would it benefit in the protection of consumer rights
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