Bibliographic citations
Montoya, M., (2020). Acantosis nigricans como factor asociado a hipertensión arterial en pacientes del Hospital Belén de Trujillo [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Montoya, M., Acantosis nigricans como factor asociado a hipertensión arterial en pacientes del Hospital Belén de Trujillo [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2020.
title = "Acantosis nigricans como factor asociado a hipertensión arterial en pacientes del Hospital Belén de Trujillo",
author = "Montoya Rodríguez, Miguel Ángel",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2020"
Objective: To determine whether acanthosis nigricans is a factor associated with arterial hypertension in patients of the Hospital Belén de Trujillo. Material and methods: A retrospective, analytical, case-control study was carried out, in which 202 adult patients were included, according to selection criteria, which were divided into 2 groups: patients with acanthosis nigricans or without acanthosis nigricans; applying the odds ratio, and the chi-square statistical test. Results: The frequency of obesity and diabetes mellitus were significantly higher in the group of patients with acanthosis nigricans compared to the group without acanthosis nigricans (p <0.05). The frequency of arterial hypertension in patients with acanthosis nigricans was 20%. The frequency of arterial hypertension in patients without acanthosis nigricans was 8%. Acanthosis nigricans is a factor associated with high blood pressure with an odds ratio of 2.87 which was significant (p <0.05). In the multivariate analysis, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and obesity were identified as factors associated with acanthosis nigricans (p <0.05). Conclusion: Acanthosis nigricans is a factor associated with high blood pressure in patients from the Hospital Belén de Trujillo.
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