Bibliographic citations
Jara, J., (2022). Evaluación superficial del pavimento rígido aplicando el método Pavement Condition Index (PCI) en la avenida Fernando Belaunde Terry en el centro poblado Andres Araujo Moran del Distrito de Tumbes, Provincia de Tumbes - Departamento de Tumbes [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Jara, J., Evaluación superficial del pavimento rígido aplicando el método Pavement Condition Index (PCI) en la avenida Fernando Belaunde Terry en el centro poblado Andres Araujo Moran del Distrito de Tumbes, Provincia de Tumbes - Departamento de Tumbes [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2022.
title = "Evaluación superficial del pavimento rígido aplicando el método Pavement Condition Index (PCI) en la avenida Fernando Belaunde Terry en el centro poblado Andres Araujo Moran del Distrito de Tumbes, Provincia de Tumbes - Departamento de Tumbes",
author = "Jara Valladares, James Ricardo",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2022"
The purpose of this thesis is to determine the state of preservation of the rigid pavement of Fernando Belaunde Terry Avenue in the city of Tumbes by applying the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) methodology based on ASTM D 6433-03. The roadway currently has several failures in the bearing area, mainly between km 0+000 to km 1+731. A topographic survey was made to have well defined the measurements of the hydraulic pavement, then we carried out the work in the enclosure, which was done in person to find and list the current faults according to their type, proportion and stiffness. Then it was described in a spreadsheet to find the prestige of the PCI and see what range is the hydraulic pavement, for each sample unit. We started with the division of the road into 20 samples, which were subjected to assessment according to the PCI manual. We obtained as a result of PCI of the calculation interval is equal to 45.27, which complies with the normal conditions of the surface. In addition, we found that the left lane has the highest wear and the PCI value in the conventional rating range is equal to 40.54, while the right lane is in better condition, with a PCI value of 42.905 under normal conditions. We also determined that aggregate polishing type failure has the greatest impact on the results
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