Bibliographic citations
Benites, P., (2022). Efecto de la concentración de ácido cítrico y ascórbico en el pH, índice de pardeamiento y aceptabilidad sensorial del color y sabor, en palta (Persea americana Mill) en cubos congelada [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Benites, P., Efecto de la concentración de ácido cítrico y ascórbico en el pH, índice de pardeamiento y aceptabilidad sensorial del color y sabor, en palta (Persea americana Mill) en cubos congelada [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2022.
title = "Efecto de la concentración de ácido cítrico y ascórbico en el pH, índice de pardeamiento y aceptabilidad sensorial del color y sabor, en palta (Persea americana Mill) en cubos congelada",
author = "Benites Morales, Percy Fred",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2022"
The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the effect of the concentration of citric and ascorbic acid in the pH, browning index (L*) and sensory acceptability of the color and flavor of avocado (Persea americana Mill) in frozen cubes. The avocados were processed, cut into cubes 1.5 cm on each side, submerged in citric and ascorbic acid solution in concentrations according to the experimental design, for a time of 40 s, in order to inhibit the enzymatic browning. A ratio of avocado pieces was used: solution of 1: 4. Subsequently, they were drained and frozen in a fluidized bed freezing tunnel (IQF) at a temperature of -35 °C. Then they were packed in 0.25 kg polyethylene bags and stored in a freezing chamber at a temperature of -20 ºC for a period of 7 days, until further evaluation. The statistical analysis indicated that the effect of the concentration of citric and ascorbic acid in the pH, browning index (L*) and sensory color of frozen cubed avocados, was significant, except for the flavor, in which no effect was found significant. The concentration of citric and ascorbic acid that optimized the pH and browning index variables, from the superposition of contours, was 1.02 and 3.26% respectively, determining the estimated values of the response variables pH: 5.29 and browning index (L *): 65,425
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