Bibliographic citations
Cueva, C., (2023). Efectividad de la acupuntura comparado con terapia física para rehabilitar pacientes con parálisis de Bell [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Cueva, C., Efectividad de la acupuntura comparado con terapia física para rehabilitar pacientes con parálisis de Bell [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2023.
title = "Efectividad de la acupuntura comparado con terapia física para rehabilitar pacientes con parálisis de Bell",
author = "Cueva Ramírez, Carla Katerin",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2023"
To determine if acupuncture is more effective than physical therapy to rehabilitate patients with bell's palsy at the Víctor Lazarte Echegaray Hospital, Trujillo 2017-2020. Material and methods: an observational retrospective cohort analytical study was carried out with patients treated at the Víctor Lazarte Echegaray Hospital in the department of physical medicine and rehabilitation and who met the selection criteria. The sample consisted of 60 patients who were divided into two groups of 30 patients each, where both groups had drug treatment with NSAIDs, corticosteroids, thiamine, hydroxocobalamin, pyridostigmine, however, group 01 received rehabilitation treatment indistinctly. with acupuncture and group 02 with physical therapy. Other variables that were considered for the study were: age, sex, signs and symptoms, time of year of presentation; effectiveness of the aforementioned treatments. Results: Of the 60 patients, considering grade I and II as effective on the Hause Bracmann scale, greater effectiveness was found in group 01 made up of 30 patients who received pharmacological treatment + rehabilitation with acupuncture; 19 of them reached effectiveness, representing 63.3%, compared to group 02 that received pharmacological treatment + rehabilitation with physical therapy, 14 of them achieved effectiveness, representing 46.7%; however, a P value of 0.194 was obtained for said results. Conclusion: We did not find a significant statistical difference between both treatments; however, a significant variation was found in the Hause Bracmann scale with the acupuncture treatment, which suggests a slight prevalence of acupuncture compared to physical therapy.
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