Bibliographic citations
Reyes, R., (2020). Prevalencia de caries dental asociado a respiración bucal en el personal de tropa servicio militar del cuartel Ramón Zavala de Trujillo, 2019 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Reyes, R., Prevalencia de caries dental asociado a respiración bucal en el personal de tropa servicio militar del cuartel Ramón Zavala de Trujillo, 2019 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2020.
title = "Prevalencia de caries dental asociado a respiración bucal en el personal de tropa servicio militar del cuartel Ramón Zavala de Trujillo, 2019",
author = "Reyes Cruz, Roxana Mariela",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2020"
The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of dental caries associated with oral breathing in the military service troop personnel of the Ramón Zavala Barracks in the city of Trujillo, 2019. The study was prospective, transversal, descriptive and observational. The sample consisted of 167 soldiers of both sexes, who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria, who underwent oral examination, evaluating and recording the prevalence of dental caries following the criteria of the ICDAS II system. In the results it can be seen that code 0 has a (4.3%), code 1 (13.5%), code 2 (17.8%), followed by code 3 (16.0%), code 5 (14.1%), code 4 (15.3%) and code 6 (19.0%) of dental caries prevalence respectively. According to gender, it was observed that the results in men were: code 0 (3.0%), followed by code 1 (13.1%), code 2 (19.2%), code 3 (18.2%), code 4 (17.2%), code 5 (12.1%) and code 6 (17.2%) on the prevalence of dental caries. In the female gender it was observed: code 0 (6.3%), code 1 (14.1%), code 2 (15.6%), code 3 (12.5%), code 4 (12.5%), code 5 (17.2%) and the code 6 (21.9%) in prevalence of dental caries. According to age, the prevalence of dental caries was higher in group 2 (from 21 to 23 years of age) having the highest rank codes 3 and 4.
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