Bibliographic citations
Alzamora, J., Castro, L. (2024). Evaluación del Desempeño Sísmico de un pabellón de 3 niveles en la I.E Miguel Grau Seminario del C.P El Porvenir distrito de Querecotillo, provincia de Sullana, departamento de Piura [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Alzamora, J., Castro, L. Evaluación del Desempeño Sísmico de un pabellón de 3 niveles en la I.E Miguel Grau Seminario del C.P El Porvenir distrito de Querecotillo, provincia de Sullana, departamento de Piura [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2024.
title = "Evaluación del Desempeño Sísmico de un pabellón de 3 niveles en la I.E Miguel Grau Seminario del C.P El Porvenir distrito de Querecotillo, provincia de Sullana, departamento de Piura",
author = "Castro Hidalgo, Lilibeth",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2024"
The present research work entitled ""EVALUATION OF THE SEISMIC PERFORMANCE OF A 3-LEVEL PAVILION IN THE I.E MIGUEL GRAU SEMINARIO OF THE CP THE PORVENIR DISTRICT OF QUERECOTILLO, PROVINCE OF SULLANA, DEPARTMENT OF PIURA"", have as a objective to evaluate the seismic performance of a pavilion type 780 school to generate a better understanding of the seismic behavior of this type of modules, since deficiencies were observed in the technical report with respect to the specialty of structures, which have to do mostly with the configuration and structural system of the initially proposed building. This type of classic modules in educational infrastructures over the years have improved in terms of their design and structural analysis, managing to solve most of the problems that the infrastructure may present in the face of different seismic events; It is for this reason that there are technical criteria established specifically for this type of structure that facilitates its analysis and design, without having drawbacks in the design of the building. However, mismanagement and misinterpretation of these criteria can result in undesired performance. As a result of the aforementioned, the evaluation of the seismic performance of the pavilion was carried out using the nonlinear static analysis and the capacity spectrum method (MEC) modified by FEMA 440. To carry out the nonlinear static analysis, the structure was modeled by ETABS program where plastic hinges of the distributed type and fiber type were assigned to the structural elements in the walls to represent the inelasticity of the elements and obtain the capacity curves in both directions with the application of a load pattern proportional to the fundamental mode of vibration. The calculation of the performance point was made by superimposing the capacity curve of the structure and the demand curve corresponding to various seismic levels established by ATC-40. Finally, the evaluation was carried out for each performance point obtained, verifying that the level of damage to the structural elements is within what is acceptable to then establish performance matrices which were evaluated with the basic performance objectives established in the ASCE 41-17 adapted from the VISION 2000 Committee. x 32 As a result, it was concluded that, in both directions, the building doesn’t meet the established performance objectives, due to the fact that the proposed system and structural design are not adequate for this type of module, with the transversal direction being the most affected, inducing the structure to unstable seismic behavior. That is why, a series of recommendations were made that would complement the analysis and design for this type of buildings, helping to obtain good behavior and responses to different seismic events.
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