Bibliographic citations
Gomez, W., Rivero, B. (2021). Análisis comparativo del diseño de pavimento rígido de losa corta y el pavimento rígido tradicional en la zona el Trópico, distrito de Huanchaco, Trujillo - La Libertad [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Gomez, W., Rivero, B. Análisis comparativo del diseño de pavimento rígido de losa corta y el pavimento rígido tradicional en la zona el Trópico, distrito de Huanchaco, Trujillo - La Libertad [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2021.
title = "Análisis comparativo del diseño de pavimento rígido de losa corta y el pavimento rígido tradicional en la zona el Trópico, distrito de Huanchaco, Trujillo - La Libertad",
author = "Rivero Avila, Bryan Eduardo",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2021"
The investigation presented below was developed in the Tropic Zone, which connects Av. Vista Hermosa of La Esperanza District and Av. Mansiche of Huanchaco District, being a descriptive - correlational investigation. The main objective was to determine the comparative analysis of the Design of Rigid Pavement of Losa Corta and Traditional Rigid Pavement in the Tropic Zone, District of Huanchaco, Trujillo-La Libertad, for which the variables and parameters of both had to be obtained Design methods to find the most recommended design based on durability, economy and execution time. In the case of the traditional rigid pavement design, it was designed based on the AASHTO 93 methodology and for the design of rigid pavement of short slabs we rely on the Chilean methodology TCPavements with the help of OPTIPAVE2 software. Preliminary studies were carried out as part of the parameters needed to determine the thicknesses in both types of methodology, such as the soil study, which determined that it is a soil that contains gravel, sand and silts, obtaining a design CBR of 58.43 %, a traffic study was also carried out, which determined that the number of equivalent axis repetitions was 5'416,298,510. The results obtained in the traditional rigid pavement (AASHTO 93) is of a rolling folder 20 cm thick, with a subbase of 15 cm, which had a budget of S /. 2,990,609.97 and an execution time of 162 calendar days and in the case of the rigid pavement of short slab (TCP) a thickness in the rolling folder of 12 cm was obtained, with a subbase of 15 cm, having a budget of S /. 2,415,361.92 and an execution time of 100 calendar days. The conclusion reached is that the Rigid Pavement of Losa Corta would be the most recommended because the cost is reduced by 19.24% in relation to the Traditional Rigid Pavement (AASHTO 93), also having a difference of 62 days in Run time.
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