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Arcaya, M., Bravo, X. (2023). Plan de negocio de un restaurante pet friendly en Sian, Campiña de Moche, 2022 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Arcaya, M., Bravo, X. Plan de negocio de un restaurante pet friendly en Sian, Campiña de Moche, 2022 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2023.
title = "Plan de negocio de un restaurante pet friendly en Sian, Campiña de Moche, 2022",
author = "Bravo Salazar, Ximena Valeria",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2023"
Title: Plan de negocio de un restaurante pet friendly en Sian, Campiña de Moche, 2022
Authors(s): Arcaya Vásquez, Melissa; Bravo Salazar, Ximena Valeria
Advisor(s): Barinotto Roncal, Patricia Ismary
Keywords: Plan de Negocio; 70652338
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2023
Institution: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego
Abstract: El presente trabajo de investigación tiene por objetivo proponer un plan de negocio
de un restaurante pet friendly en la Campiña de Moche de Trujillo, pues se ha
observado el constante crecimiento de la demanda del servicio pet friendly en la
población trujillana con mascotas, además de la escasez de este. Esta investigación
es de tipo aplicada de diseño no experimental, de corte transversal yde alcance
propositivo, con una muestra de 202 trujillanos. Como técnicas de recolección de
datos se hizo uso de recojo de información y una encuesta, con lo cual se obtuvo
como resultado que el nombre comercial del restaurante será “SIAN”y mantendrá
una filosofía pet friendly, las principales variables del macro ambienteque afectarían
al negocio son el aumento del turismo, la inestabilidad económica, la incorporación
de IA y un impulso a la competitividad y productividad de la economía, además que
no existe competencia directa en Campiña de Moche mássí en Trujillo con una
trayectoria en el mercado, sobre el microambiente, se debe contar con una buena
presencia en redes sociales, contar con un área bien distribuida, siento el público
objetivo son mujeres estudiantes y solteras, entre 20 y 39 años, que tengan mascota
y les guste en general compartir ambientes con animales domésticos. Como
conclusión se obtuvo los principales factores que contribuyeron en el plan de
negocio de un restaurante pet friendly fueron el análisis PEST, FODA, las cinco
fuerzas de Porter, el resumen ejecutivo, generalidades delnegocio, encuesta a
Trujillanos entre 20 y 39 años, la estructura organizacional y elplano
The objective of this research work is to propose a business plan for a pet friendly restaurant in Campiña de Moche, Trujillo, due to the constant growth in the demand for pet friendly services in establishments that has been observed in the population of Trujillo who owns a pet, in addition to the scarcity of it. This research is of an applied type of non-experimental design, cross-sectional and positive outreach, with a study population of 71 865 inhabitants of Trujillo and a sample of 202 subjects. As data collection techniques, information was collected and a survey, with which was obtained as a result that the commercial name of the restaurant will be “SIAN” and it will maintain a pet friendly philosophy, the main variables of the macro environment that would affect the business are the increase in tourism, economic instability, incorporation of AI and a boost to the competitiveness and productivity I the economy, in addition to the fact that there is no direct competition in Campiña de Moche, but in Trujillo with a track record in the market, on the micro environment,it must have a good presence in social networks, have a well-distributed area, the target audience is single female students, between 20 and 39 years old, who have pets and generally like to share environments with pets. As a conclusion, the main factors that contributed to the business plan of a pet friendly restaurant is Sian were the PEST analysis, SWOT, Porter’s five forces, the executive summary, business generalities, survey of Trujillo’s inhabitants between 20 and 39 years of age, the organizational structure, and the blueprint.
The objective of this research work is to propose a business plan for a pet friendly restaurant in Campiña de Moche, Trujillo, due to the constant growth in the demand for pet friendly services in establishments that has been observed in the population of Trujillo who owns a pet, in addition to the scarcity of it. This research is of an applied type of non-experimental design, cross-sectional and positive outreach, with a study population of 71 865 inhabitants of Trujillo and a sample of 202 subjects. As data collection techniques, information was collected and a survey, with which was obtained as a result that the commercial name of the restaurant will be “SIAN” and it will maintain a pet friendly philosophy, the main variables of the macro environment that would affect the business are the increase in tourism, economic instability, incorporation of AI and a boost to the competitiveness and productivity I the economy, in addition to the fact that there is no direct competition in Campiña de Moche, but in Trujillo with a track record in the market, on the micro environment,it must have a good presence in social networks, have a well-distributed area, the target audience is single female students, between 20 and 39 years old, who have pets and generally like to share environments with pets. As a conclusion, the main factors that contributed to the business plan of a pet friendly restaurant is Sian were the PEST analysis, SWOT, Porter’s five forces, the executive summary, business generalities, survey of Trujillo’s inhabitants between 20 and 39 years of age, the organizational structure, and the blueprint.
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Discipline: Administración
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas
Grade or title: Licenciado en Administración
Juror: Vilca García, Cristóbal Napoleón; Fiestas Dejo, Iris Paola; Flores Rodriguez, Luis Alberto
Register date: 2-Jan-2024
This item is licensed under a Creative Commons License