Bibliographic citations
Sánchez, K., Sánchez, G. (2023). Aplicación de guía Pmbok, para fortalecer gestión de cronograma, costos y calidad del proyecto centro de salud Campo Verde - Ucayali [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Sánchez, K., Sánchez, G. Aplicación de guía Pmbok, para fortalecer gestión de cronograma, costos y calidad del proyecto centro de salud Campo Verde - Ucayali [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2023.
title = "Aplicación de guía Pmbok, para fortalecer gestión de cronograma, costos y calidad del proyecto centro de salud Campo Verde - Ucayali",
author = "Sánchez Del Águila, Guillermo Antonio",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2023"
We arrive at the following summary, according to the authors Sánchez and Sánchez (2022): The thesis proposes the Application of the PMBOK Guide, 7th edition to strengthen the contractor company Renewal Consortium in Schedule and Cost Management (PMBOK Planning performance domain 7th edition), and Quality (PMBOK Delivery performance domain 7th edition), for the improvement of the Management of the Schedule, costs and quality for the construction company of the Construction of the Campo Verde Health Center project, Ucayali. The application of the 6 schedule management processes, the 4 Cost management processes and the 3 quality management processes was carried out, migrating from the sixth edition to the seventh edition of the PMBOK Guide and the digital content platform PMIstandards and as a result were obtained to plan the schedule management, costs and Quality Delivery, for which the schedule management plan was obtained, define the activities obtained the list of project milestones; sequencing the activities, the project network diagram was obtained; estimate the duration, the work period of the activities was obtained; Develop the schedule, the base schedule, base costs and the base quality of the project were obtained, the techniques to control the project threshold were obtained. Finally, the investigation provided positive results before the proposal to apply the PMBOK Guide, 7th Edition to strengthen Schedule, Cost and Quality Management, using the PMBOK guidelines, culminating on April 8, 2022, thus reducing the term by 18 days. granted by the client, being the cost included the IGV of 32'833,998.30 soles and achieving a quality of 90% in the delivery of the completed work. (p.7)
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