Bibliographic citations
Rengifo, G., Vilcarromero, A. (2019). Análisis de la eficiencia de los medidores parshall de flujo libre por medio de un modelamiento numérico bidimensional [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Rengifo, G., Vilcarromero, A. Análisis de la eficiencia de los medidores parshall de flujo libre por medio de un modelamiento numérico bidimensional [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2019.
title = "Análisis de la eficiencia de los medidores parshall de flujo libre por medio de un modelamiento numérico bidimensional",
author = "Vilcarromero Rodriguez, Andrea Stefania",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2019"
The objective of our research is the analysis of the efficiency of Parshall free flow meters by means of a two-dimensional numerical modeling. Given the importance of having a good control in the use of water today, we will analyze the efficiency of Parshall free flow meters to see if they are functioning efficiently, these hydraulic structures have a defined design, having to have much precision in the construction process so that an error could generate wrong measures of the flow flowing through these, also must be given a constant maintenance to avoid the formation of vegetation that are formed over time. In the first instance, data were acquired in the Chicama valley and Jequetepeque valley, and the flow rate was measured using a Correntometer. The data obtained were recorded in the Excel sheet called REGISTRO DE AFORO CON CORRENTOMETRO, which is used by the Boards of users to save this data. Then Parshall meters were designed in 3D with AutoCAD software to be able to simulate it with the Iber Software, so that finally the results comparison between the theoretical design data of Ralph Parshall, the IBER model and the data measured by the correntometer.
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