Bibliographic citations
Nieva, G., Rodriguez, W. (2017). Diseño de un sistema automatizado para el reproceso de galletas en las líneas de producción N° 2 y N° 3, en la galletera del norte S.A- Trujillo, la libertad [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Nieva, G., Rodriguez, W. Diseño de un sistema automatizado para el reproceso de galletas en las líneas de producción N° 2 y N° 3, en la galletera del norte S.A- Trujillo, la libertad [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2017.
title = "Diseño de un sistema automatizado para el reproceso de galletas en las líneas de producción N° 2 y N° 3, en la galletera del norte S.A- Trujillo, la libertad",
author = "Rodriguez Ortiz, Walter Paul",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2017"
This research focuses on the design an Automated System for Reprocessing of cookies in the Production Lines No. 2 and No. 3 at the Galletera del Norte S.A. In the first chapter of this paper, is addressed the current problem in the Production Area at the Galletera del Norte S.A. company, to improve reprocessing of cookies existing in the production lines No. 2 and No. 3, the analysis of the characteristics and the problem formulation. In the second chapter, the research background and the theoretical framework are presented, where are exposed a small review that support the approach of this project and the reason why we choose making the design of an automated system for the reprocessing of cookies in the production lines No. 2 and No. 3. In the third chapter, is comprised of the formulation of the hypothesis. In the fourth chapter, are exposed our objetives and we give to know the importance of give a solution to the posed problem. In the fifth chapter, we present the development of the solution, we detail the equipment and accessories used to achieve the operation and communication of selected equipments for the design as well as the argument why our solution is the most viable for the company. In addition the data necessary for the development of research are collected. In the sixth chapter, the results of research where they develop objectives of research are described and simulations that verify the correct operation of the system developed are presented. Finally, the discussion of results, research findings and some recommendations for that project implementation to be efficient are presented.
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