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Carpio, P., Vásquez, J. (2018). Características físicas y mecánicas del bambú para fines estructurales [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Carpio, P., Vásquez, J. Características físicas y mecánicas del bambú para fines estructurales [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2018.
title = "Características físicas y mecánicas del bambú para fines estructurales",
author = "Vásquez Salas, Juan André",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2018"
Title: Características físicas y mecánicas del bambú para fines estructurales
Authors(s): Carpio Galvez, Pablo André; Vásquez Salas, Juan André
Advisor(s): Durand Orellana, Rocio del Pilar
Keywords: Guadua; Recursos renovables
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2018
Institution: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego
Abstract: La guadua angustifolia, conocida como bambú es una material renovable,
con características físicas, químicas y mecánicas extraordinarias. El bosque de
Marona alberga una gran cantidad de bambú, las muestras extraídas de dicho
bosque, fueron extraídas siguiendo un proceso, donde se toman parámetros
como la forma de cortar, curar, almacenar y elegir que muestras se usaran en
los ensayos. Para nuestra investigación usamos bambús con edades de 4 y 5
Los ensayos realizados al bambú siguieron los lineamientos establecidos en
norma peruana E.100, la Norma Técnica Colombiana 5525 y el manual de
laboratorio sobre métodos y ensayos propuesto por el INEN (Instituto Nacional
Ecuatoriano de Normalización). Dentro de los ensayos realizados fueron
contenido de humedad, retraimiento, densidad y mecánica, compresión,
tracción, corte y flexión.
Según los resultados obtenidos se determinó que el bambú proveniente del
distrito de Marona, Provincia de Moyobamba, Departamento de San Martín es
apto para utilizarlo como material de construcción, debido a que obtuvo una
resistencia a la compresión de 35.9Mpa y 18.5Mpa como resistencia a la
tracción. Parámetros que nos indican que cumplen satisfactoriamente lo
establecido en la normativa vigente.
The guadua angustifolia, known as bamboo is a renewable material, physical, chemical and mechanical extraordinary. Marona forest hosts a lot of bamboo, wood samples from said were extracted using a process where parameters such as how to cut, treat, store and choose which samples were used in the tests are taken. For our research we use bamboos aged 4 and 5 years. Tests performed on the bamboo followed the guidelines established in standard E.100 Peruvian, Colombian Technical Standard 5525 and manual laboratory methods and tests proposed by the INEN (Ecuadorian National Standards Institute). Among the tests conducted were moisture content, withdrawal, density and mechanical compression, tension, shear and bending. According to the results it was determined that bamboo from Marona district, Moyobamba Province, Department of San Martin is suitable for use as building material because it obtained a compressive strength of 35.9Mpa and 18.5Mpa as resistance traction. Parameters that indicate that satisfactorily meet the provisions of the regulations.
The guadua angustifolia, known as bamboo is a renewable material, physical, chemical and mechanical extraordinary. Marona forest hosts a lot of bamboo, wood samples from said were extracted using a process where parameters such as how to cut, treat, store and choose which samples were used in the tests are taken. For our research we use bamboos aged 4 and 5 years. Tests performed on the bamboo followed the guidelines established in standard E.100 Peruvian, Colombian Technical Standard 5525 and manual laboratory methods and tests proposed by the INEN (Ecuadorian National Standards Institute). Among the tests conducted were moisture content, withdrawal, density and mechanical compression, tension, shear and bending. According to the results it was determined that bamboo from Marona district, Moyobamba Province, Department of San Martin is suitable for use as building material because it obtained a compressive strength of 35.9Mpa and 18.5Mpa as resistance traction. Parameters that indicate that satisfactorily meet the provisions of the regulations.
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Discipline: Ingeniería Civil
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego. Facultad de Ingeniería
Grade or title: Ingeniero Civil
Register date: 12-Nov-2018
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