Bibliographic citations
Lecca, J., (2017). Criterios de selección de nuevos sistemas de gestión y financiación para la conservación de carreteras en el Perú [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Lecca, J., Criterios de selección de nuevos sistemas de gestión y financiación para la conservación de carreteras en el Perú [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2017.
title = "Criterios de selección de nuevos sistemas de gestión y financiación para la conservación de carreteras en el Perú",
author = "Lecca Zavaleta, Julio Alejandro",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2017"
This thesis aims to define the criteria for the selection of new management and financing systems for road maintenance in Peru With transparent adjudication and conflict resolution mechanisms, as well as the institutional capacity to manage the conservation of the road network with contracts for the conservation of roads by results, by means of concessions through the Public Private Partnerships (PPPs), demanding in these contracts achievable standards (Moral strength, technical and financial strength, equipment, methodologies, etc.), avoiding uncertainty, risks, contractual modifications, variation between technical and economical levels and that are associated to the desired level of service, admitting significant technological changes during their temporary extension. The Reference Investment and the budgets of the Projects of Detail Engineering (PID), due to the fact that the basic studies of Engineering, environmental, geological, legal sanitation of land, etc., have not been carried out adequately, reason why investigation Field for information Of the current state of the roads, conducting a road inventory, to later analyze, evaluate and diagnose; In addition to this, information was collected from Provias Nacional, where historical information was collected on the studies carried out and the interventions carried out. For this reason, the methodology applied, research modality, levels and type, population determination and sample , The plan for data collection and information processing, in order to expose the analysis and interpretation of results, where a critical analysis of the data obtained in reference to road inventory, project traffic, pavement structure, State of the pavement, routine maintenance activities, newspaper, giving an interpretation of the data and checking the hypothesis to finally, to propose the criteria for the selection of new management and financing systems for road maintenance in Peru.
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