Bibliographic citations
Cabanillas, G., Monja, K. (2017). Evaluación del sistema de alcantarillado y laguna de estabilización del Centro Poblado Ciudad de Dios - provincia de Pacasmayo [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Cabanillas, G., Monja, K. Evaluación del sistema de alcantarillado y laguna de estabilización del Centro Poblado Ciudad de Dios - provincia de Pacasmayo [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2017.
title = "Evaluación del sistema de alcantarillado y laguna de estabilización del Centro Poblado Ciudad de Dios - provincia de Pacasmayo",
author = "Monja Cabada, Kevin Giancarlo",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2017"
The following thesis titled ““Evaluation of the sewerage system and stabilization pond of Ciudad de Dios town-Pacasmayo Province““ was developed due to the problematic that these systems present, where the sewerage system was built more than twenty years ago and it is unable to satisfy the entire population, which has been increasing in recent years. To this is added that the sewerage system was build with concrete pipes, which over time has been destroyed causing leaks and avoiding the wastewater run its course to the treatment plant. For this reason, this investigation focuses on the evaluation of the sewerage system and stabilization pond of Ciudad de Dios town, being one of its objectives the redesign of both systems, reducing the contamination of the bodies of water where wastewater ends. This research has three stages; the first contains the description of the problematic reality as well as the evaluation of the sewerage system and stabilization pond of the town, having as basic antecedents the same problematic and through the compilation, analysis and structuring of the information. The second stage details the methodology used to carry out the hydraulic redesign of the sewer system and stabilization pond, using SewerCAD software for sewerage system, sizing and taking into account the parameters defined in the Standard OS.070 and OS.090 of the National Buildings Regulations, as well as the design criteria of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Pan American Center for Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Sciences (CEPIS), obtaining a solution that covers the needs of the current and future population. At this stage, the procedures, tools and other factors involved in the research are also discussed. Finally, we discuss the results obtained after the hydraulic design of the sewerage system and stabilization pond and give a solution to satisfy the needs of Ciudad de Dios town.
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