Bibliographic citations
Isla, J., Llapo, A. (2017). Sistema de costeo por órdenes específicas para mejorar la administración de costos en la empresa creaciones Ashly del Distrtito El Porvenir - Trujillo, Periodo Abril - Junio 2017. [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Isla, J., Llapo, A. Sistema de costeo por órdenes específicas para mejorar la administración de costos en la empresa creaciones Ashly del Distrtito El Porvenir - Trujillo, Periodo Abril - Junio 2017. [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2017.
title = "Sistema de costeo por órdenes específicas para mejorar la administración de costos en la empresa creaciones Ashly del Distrtito El Porvenir - Trujillo, Periodo Abril - Junio 2017.",
author = "Llapo Guerrero, Agatha Jasmic",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2017"
The main objective of this research work is to demonstrate how a costing system based on specific orders improves cost management in Ashly Creations. To this end, data collection instruments were used, such as the registration form and the observation guide, with the purpose of gathering and classifying the information referred to the Financial Statements and Cost Reports. The population was constituted by the set of financial statements and cost reports of the company Ashly Creations, with a unit of analysis constituted by the State of Financial Situation, Income Statement, State of Production Costs and the sample was constituted by the same population because of a number of small elements. The contrast design used in this investigation corresponds to the Quasi - experimental design with before and after observation. Between the most outstanding conclusions we have: When analyzing the current state of the Ashly Creations Company, it is concluded that the existing costing system, does not allow you to reliably determine the cost of your product, because the production costs are elaborated from empirically based on assumptions of their own experiences of their commercial environment. As components of the cost they were only considered the cost of direct materials and the cost of direct labor. The indirect costs that are the third element of the cost were not considered when estimating the cost of the product, because costs such as: knives, and chalk were considered as immaterial costs and were not included in any production record. Finally, it was possible to demonstrate that the implementation of a costing system by specific orders significantly improves the cost management in the Ashly Creations company.
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