Bibliographic citations
Romero, K., (2018). La formación a los proveedores en materia de consumo para una adecuada aplicación de la política pública de promoción de una cultura de protección al consumidor [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Romero, K., La formación a los proveedores en materia de consumo para una adecuada aplicación de la política pública de promoción de una cultura de protección al consumidor [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2018.
title = "La formación a los proveedores en materia de consumo para una adecuada aplicación de la política pública de promoción de una cultura de protección al consumidor",
author = "Romero Cedamanos, Katherine Tatiana",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2018"
The present main objective of the research work is to respond to the following question: What action should be implemented to adequately apply the public policy on promoting a culture of consumer protection and behavior in line with the good faith of the provider, with the In order to reduce the ignorance of the supplier and its workers in basic notions about consumer matters? And on the basis of that question, develop the problem that exists about the lack of knowledge in terms of consumption by suppliers and their workers, concluding with a proposal of training on good practices consumption to the supplier and its workers to foster a climate of culture and respect for the consumer relationship. The first sub chapter of this research work, it focuses on the Economic Regime of our Political Constitution of Peru, its evolution, changes and implementation in legislation; we also see the free private initiative and the social market economy, which are part of Article 58 of the Political Constitution of Peru, that is, the social market economy, which is the constitutional foundation of Article 65 of our Constitution. In the second sub-chapter, it is explained how the consumer activity has been developing since before the legal activity, with the development of consumer rights, with the respective protection of consumer rights, and constitutional protection stipulated in Article 65 of our Constitution, this article in turn contains a very important principle which protects the consumer from possible grievances to their rights. In this sub chapter we also see how the Code of Defense and Consumer Protection has evolved and the importance of its public policies. In the third and last sub chapter, an alternative to the inadequate application of the public policies stipulated in the Defense and Consumer Protection Code is developed, this viii option is the training of suppliers and their workers through the certification of good practices. so, I will explain everything concerning this certificate as its definition, importance, purpose, modality, duration and the competent body INDECOPI, in addition, its definition, origin, and evolution of this institution. Finally, the results of the present investigation lead to affirming that the supplier is not fully informed about consumer matters, resulting in an administrative overload on Indecopi and also generating a bad consumer relationship; in such a way that I see myself in the need to create an option that helps educate and educate the supplier and its workers in terms of consumption
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