Bibliographic citations
Merino, R., (2018). Factores asociados al mal trato de pacientes por médicos del Hospital Santa Rosa Piura, marzo-agosto 2016 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Merino, R., Factores asociados al mal trato de pacientes por médicos del Hospital Santa Rosa Piura, marzo-agosto 2016 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2018.
title = "Factores asociados al mal trato de pacientes por médicos del Hospital Santa Rosa Piura, marzo-agosto 2016",
author = "Merino Escobar, Rosita Yasmirht",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2018"
The World Health Organization defines quality in health as a high level of professional excellence, efficiently using resources for the patient, achieving a high degree of satisfaction on the part of the patient and producing a positive impact on health. The satisfaction of the user is the degree of concordance between their expectations of quality of service and the attention received. Objective. Identify the factors associated with poor treatment of patients seen in an outpatient clinic by doctors from the Santa Rosa Piura Hospital, March-August 2016. 6 Material and methods. Descriptive, observational, cross-sectional, prospective study; as well as a survey addressed to patients who come to the outpatient clinic and doctors who work in the outpatient clinic of the Santa Rosa Piura Hospital. Results. Of the 375 patients, 54.1% (203) were female, the median age was 55 years. Almost all satisfaction responses received great approval, however, the one that had the highest percentage of negative response was in which the doctor did not give the necessary confidence to address the problem (96.5%). According to the characteristics of the doctors surveyed, 90.4% (22) were male, the median age was 47 years and 100.0% indicated that they did not have sufficient resources to carry out their work. Conclusions. There are no factors associated with poor treatment of patients by doctors of the Santa Rosa Piura Hospital, but there is great distrust of the patient towards the doctor during the outpatient consultation.
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