Bibliographic citations
Blas, J., Vargas, C. (2018). Análisis y diseño estructural del Coliseo Cerrado Miguel Grau del distrito de Pacasmayo - La Libertad [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Blas, J., Vargas, C. Análisis y diseño estructural del Coliseo Cerrado Miguel Grau del distrito de Pacasmayo - La Libertad [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2018.
title = "Análisis y diseño estructural del Coliseo Cerrado Miguel Grau del distrito de Pacasmayo - La Libertad",
author = "Vargas Gonzales, Carlos Daniel",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2018"
This report is exclusively the analysis and structural design of a closed Sport Coliseum for the District of Pacasmayo, which is developed from the architectural project that was already done. Throughout the development of this work, we have always tried to reflect the state of the art in relevant disciplines of civil engineering and, in many cases, works already done, against the emergence of new tools, especially computer order and new specifications, have been updated. The analysis and design have been made according to the requirements of the Peruvian technical standards: NTE E.020 (Loads), NTE E.030 (Seismic-resistant Design), NTE E.050 (Soils and Foundations), NTE E.060 (Reinforced Concrete), NTE E.090 (Metal Structures), and as appropriate: ACI 318-11; AISC 360-11 (Specification for Structural Steel Building). Structural analysis programs Sap 2000 and Etabs (programs that take into account the unique properties inherent to the mathematical models of the building, allowing a computer representation of the actual structure) have been used. The static method and the pseudo dynamic spectral were used for the response of the model to seismic action. In terms of design, were considered 35 x 70 cm beams. To cover length of 7.20 meters, the beams are attached to a system of 35 x 70 columns. The lightweight is in two directions to cover large lights between beams. The foundation has been designed with footings shaped inverted ““T““ System. In the case of the metal coverage, we have defined profiles based on the axial loads and following the rules of the AISC 360-11.
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