Bibliographic citations
Peralta, J., Reinaltt, C. (2017). Estrategias de afrontamiento del paciente con cáncer gástrico. Hospital de Alta Complejidad Virgen de la Puerta. EsSalud - 2017 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Peralta, J., Reinaltt, C. Estrategias de afrontamiento del paciente con cáncer gástrico. Hospital de Alta Complejidad Virgen de la Puerta. EsSalud - 2017 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2017.
title = "Estrategias de afrontamiento del paciente con cáncer gástrico. Hospital de Alta Complejidad Virgen de la Puerta. EsSalud - 2017",
author = "Reinaltt Cubeñas, Claudia Tamara",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2017"
The present study was a descriptive cross - sectional study aimed at determining the coping strategies of the patient with gastric cancer of the Hospital of High Complexity Virgen de la Puerta - EsSalud. The sample consisted of 41 gastric cancer patients hospitalized during the months of January and February - 2017. To collect the data, the Inventory was used as an instrument to measure the coping strategies used by the patients and their coping; Which was adapted by the researchers for the purpose of the study. Fourteen coping strategies were determined, which found that the coping strategy most used by patients with gastric cancer is the Religion strategy with a score of 7.34 average points, followed in the second place by the Autodistraction strategy With a score of 6.73 points and in third place is the active Coping strategy with a score of 6.66 points. It was also found that among the least used coping strategies is the abandonment of resolution / resignation strategy with an average score of 3.63 points, followed by the Negation strategy with an average score of 3.49 points, and finally, The least used coping strategy for patients with gastric cancer is the substance use strategy with an average score of 2.34 points.
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