Bibliographic citations
Ballena, V., Feijoo, A. (2017). Aplicación de un software ERP para una mejora de la gestión en los procesos generales de la empresa Fabricaciones Metálicas Ballena S.A.C. en la ciudad de Trujillo en el año 2016 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Ballena, V., Feijoo, A. Aplicación de un software ERP para una mejora de la gestión en los procesos generales de la empresa Fabricaciones Metálicas Ballena S.A.C. en la ciudad de Trujillo en el año 2016 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2017.
title = "Aplicación de un software ERP para una mejora de la gestión en los procesos generales de la empresa Fabricaciones Metálicas Ballena S.A.C. en la ciudad de Trujillo en el año 2016",
author = "Feijoo Cano, Alicia Manila",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2017"
The purpose of this research was to apply ERP software in the company Fabricaciones Metálicas Ballena SAC. Of the city of Trujillo. The problem formulated in the research was: In what way the application of an ERP software would improve the management in the general processes of the company Fabricaciones Metálicas Ballena SAC? And for this the following hypothesis was proposed: The application of a SOFTWARE-ERP would positively improve the management of the general processes in the company Fabricaciones Metálicas Ballena SAC. This research took as sources of information to the processes of the company and the manager of the same to obtain information that allowed to know the deficiencies that existed in the general processes of the company. The research design is descriptive transversal, and the techniques and instruments used are; The questionnaire, direct observation, the interview and the T Students method. With the data obtained by the application of instruments, it was possible to select and apply the ERP to check the hypothesis and achieve the objective of the research. The final conclusion reached was that the implementation of the ERP allowed to improve the efficiency of the processes, reducing the time and processing the information more quickly, achieving integration of the sales, logistics, warehouse, cashier areas And production in addition to the following benefits: facilitates flexible relationship with customers, suppliers, collaboration between the company, minimizing waste materials, timely delivery of products, handling credit limits, inventory management and sales planning.
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