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Coronado, J., Ruiz, A. (2016). Desarrollo financiero y crecimiento económico en el Perú periodo 1981- 2013 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Coronado, J., Ruiz, A. Desarrollo financiero y crecimiento económico en el Perú periodo 1981- 2013 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2016.
title = "Desarrollo financiero y crecimiento económico en el Perú periodo 1981- 2013",
author = "Ruiz Lozano, Angel Manuel",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2016"
Title: Desarrollo financiero y crecimiento económico en el Perú periodo 1981- 2013
Authors(s): Coronado Valdez, Jhon Jharol; Ruiz Lozano, Angel Manuel
Advisor(s): Castillo Vera, Felix Segundo
Keywords: Desarrollo financiero; Estimación econométrica
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2016
Institution: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego
Abstract: La presente investigación explica la relación entre el desarrollo financiero y el crecimiento
económico del Perú durante el periodo 1981-2013, en el cual se ha experimentado una serie de
cambios económicos y sociales acompañados por una mayor liberalización del sector
financiero. Para poder explicar esta relación hemos utilizados como variable dependiente el
crecimiento económico del Perú tomado de las series anuales de la tasa de crecimiento
porcentual del PBI real y la variable independiente el desarrollo financiero tomado de las
series anuales del indicador transformación de ahorro a crédito de la banca múltiple peruana y
las series anuales del indicador ineficiencia del sistema financiero. Para un mejor ajuste del
modelo incluimos una variable de control dada por las series anuales de la tasa de crecimiento
porcentual de la inversión bruta fija en el Perú. Se realizó una estimación econométrica a
través de un modelo vector de error de corrección (VEC) por ser una serie no estacionaria,
integrada del mismo orden y presentar cointegración permitiendo no perder información
valiosa de largo plazo que nos permite una correcta especificación y seguridad en el modelo.
Mediante esta estimación encontramos que el desarrollo financiero tiene una relación positiva
en el crecimiento económico. Por lo tanto el aumento en 1% de la trasformación de ahorro a
crédito influye en un aumento de 0.07 puntos porcentuales del crecimiento económico y un
aumento de 1% en la ineficiencia del sistema financiero influye en una disminución de 0.05
puntos porcentuales del crecimiento económico.
This research explains the relationship between financial development and economic growth in Peru during the period 1981-2013, which has experienced a number of economic and social changes accompanied by greater liberalization of the financial sector. To explain this relationship we have used economic growth of Peru as the dependent variable taken from the annual series of the percentage rate of growth of real GDP and financial development as the independent variable taken from the annual series of the indicator transformation of credit to savings from commercial banks in Peru and annual series of indicator inefficiency of the financial system. For a better fit of the model we included a control variable given by annual series of percentage growth rate of gross fixed investment in Peru. We performed an econometric estimation through a vector error correction model (VEC) because is a nonstationary series, integrated of the same order and presents co-integration allowing not to lose valuable long-term data and a correct specification and safety in the model. By this estimate we found that financial development has a positive relationship with economic growth. Therefore the increase in 1% of the transformation of credit to savings influences in an increase of 0.07 percentage points of economic growth and an increase of 1% in the inefficiency of the financial system influences in a decrease of 0.05 percentage points of economic growth.
This research explains the relationship between financial development and economic growth in Peru during the period 1981-2013, which has experienced a number of economic and social changes accompanied by greater liberalization of the financial sector. To explain this relationship we have used economic growth of Peru as the dependent variable taken from the annual series of the percentage rate of growth of real GDP and financial development as the independent variable taken from the annual series of the indicator transformation of credit to savings from commercial banks in Peru and annual series of indicator inefficiency of the financial system. For a better fit of the model we included a control variable given by annual series of percentage growth rate of gross fixed investment in Peru. We performed an econometric estimation through a vector error correction model (VEC) because is a nonstationary series, integrated of the same order and presents co-integration allowing not to lose valuable long-term data and a correct specification and safety in the model. By this estimate we found that financial development has a positive relationship with economic growth. Therefore the increase in 1% of the transformation of credit to savings influences in an increase of 0.07 percentage points of economic growth and an increase of 1% in the inefficiency of the financial system influences in a decrease of 0.05 percentage points of economic growth.
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Discipline: Economía
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas
Grade or title: Economista con Mención en Finanzas
Register date: 14-Oct-2016
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